Thursday, September 27, 2018

Farrah Abraham Goes Back to Court: Is She in Jail Yet?!

Farrah Abraham has a lot going on in her life right now.

She’s been training for that celebrity boxing match, she failed that drug test, she’s in that weird new feud with Vivica A. Fox …

Speaking of feuds, she’s been having a little public spat with Bristol Palin, too, and she’s still pretty fond of running her mouth about Teen Mom OG and how much better she is than all the cast members.

Like we said, she’s pretty busy these days.

With everything we’ve been hearing about her lately, you may have forgotten that there’s a decent chance she could be going to jail soon.

Back in June, everybody’s favorite former Teen Mom was arrested after causing a scene at a hotel in Beverly Hills.

According to some poor hotel guests who were unlucky enough to be there with Farrah, she seemed intoxicated that night, and we know that she was rowdy enough to get kicked out.

A security guard came to escort her away, and that’s when things got bad.

Or, well, worse.

The guard claimed that Farrah got violent with him when he tried to remove her from the hotel — he said she hit him in the face with her forearm, and that she also grabbed his head and shook it.

Someone called the police, and when officers arrived, she told them to “f-ck off,” and she pulled the “don’t you know who I am?” trick a few times.

It did not work.

She stayed in jail until the next afternoon, and a few weeks after that, she was officially charged with battery and resisting arrest.

If she’s found guilty, she could face up to eighteen months in jail, and that’s exciting, right?

Not because we want to see her fail or be sad or anything like that, just because it’s neat when people do bad things and then face consequences for their actions.

She had her first big court date last month, and she was offered a plea deal — a pretty sweet one, too.

If she agreed to the deal, then the battery charge would go away, and instead she’d be charged with trespassing, which just sounds better, you know?

Instead of going to jail, she’d just be on probation for a few years, and on top of that she’d have to take some anger management classes, do community service, and stay away from the hotel where everything went down.

It seems like a good deal, especially since several witnesses all agree that she’s guilty of attacking that security guard, and we’re pretty sure those police officers could convince a judge that she’s guilty of resisting arrest, too.

But did she take that deal?

You know she didn’t!

As Farrah explained in an interview after that court date, she didn’t accept the deal because she’s not guilty — ever since this whole mess started, she’s been insisting she’s not guilty.

For what it’s worth, she also said that she’s “very mentally stable” and that she has “no aggressive issues.”

It’s hard to comprehend just how delusional she really is, isn’t it?

But that all happened several weeks ago — what’s going on with everything now?

Well, Farrah just had another hearing, and … ugh.

Before she made her way into court, she did a little Instagram Live video in which she told her followers “I better not be found guilty of anything.”

“I’m nervous, I’ve been stressed out,” she said. “I have anxiety about all this.”

For anyone who may be in the same position she’s in right now, she advised them to “stand firm for whatever you believe in, do not say you’re guilty for something and take a plea deal.”

“Stand firm if you guys have court or anything. I know it’s stressful.”

“For the record,” she added, “I never trespassed. For the record, I never battered someone. That would be a no-no and I never resisted an officer.”

“I’m never living in Beverly Hills ever again! It is trouble!”

So there you have it!

Farrah never did any of those things that many, many people saw her because “that would be a no-no,” and no-nos are something Farrah does not do.

It’s as simple as that.

Did the judge buy this incredible “no-no” argument?

As frustrating as it is, we don’t know — we just know that she has another pre-trial hearing on November 2nd.

Why is this taking so long? Is this normal? Are they trying to decide if Farrah is mentally competent enough for an actual trial? Did that failed drug test affect any of this?

So many questions, and absolutely no answers.

Guess we’ll have to wait until November to see how the no-no defense plays out!
