Monday, September 24, 2018

Demi Lovato: Where is She? How is She?!?

We have a couple of important updates on the whereabouts and conditions of Demi Lovato.

Following multiple reports that claimed the artist was seeking treatment far away from the bad influences that plagued her life for months in Los Angeles, we can now confirm the following:

This is accurate.

Lovato is in Utah.

According to Radar Online, the 26-year old is recovering from her near-fatal overdose, along with her substance abuse problem in general, somewhere in the Salt Lake City area.

She’s in a treatment faclity for certain, but it’s one that offers its residents a great deal of freedom.

To wit, an employee at a local coffee shop says Lovato has often stopped by at various points in the last few weeks.

“She seemed happy to be out getting fresh air,” this worker told Radar, adding of Demi:

“The other day, she sat alone for like 30 minutes staring out the window. But it looked like she was hopeful and in good spirits.”

The first photo of Lovato out and about seems to back up this claim.

In an image posted by TMZ on Saturday, Lovato is holding a cup of coffee, wearing a baseball cap and talking to a lady whose holding a dog on a leash.

The snapshot (which you can see here) was taken two months, almost to the day, after Lovato was found unconscious in her Hollywood Hills bedroom.

An assistant discovered the singer in this state and dialed 911, prompting paramedics to rush to the scene; revive the superstar; and transport her to the hospital.

Demi had been out the night before with some friends and then called her drug dealer upon arriving back at her residence; it remains unknown exactly what she snorted or smoked or injected that caused her to pass out.

But insiders do say she appears to be doing well all these weeks later.

“Demi has lost some weight and she’s feeling better,” a source tells Us Weekly, expounding as follows:

“She’s repositioning herself again and getting her life back on track and retraining herself on the 12 steps to recovery. She is doing much better and eventually she will come back to L.A.”

This trip marks the third time Lovato has checked into rehab.

Those close to the singer hope that coming so very close to dying will serve as the wake-up call she finally needs to hopefully kick her dangerous habit forever.

Prior to falling off the wagon this spring, Lovato had been sober for six years.

Just a few days ago, Lovato’s mom spoke out for the first time since the horrifying overdose, opening up about how close she came to losing her daughter.

“We just didn’t know for two days if she was going to make it or not,” Dianna De La Garza said.

Back on August 5, meanwhile, Lovato broke her own silence and issued the following statement on Instagram:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction.

What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time. I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.
