Monday, September 24, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Shares Ultrasound Photo With Fans: I Can"t Wait to Meet My Baby!

Last week, the Teen Mom community received some joyous news.

After a rocky year filled with just about every kind of emotional hardship, Catelynn Lowell is pregnant with her third child.

And it’s clear that Lowell simply can’t contain her excitement.

Over the weekend, Catelynn posted the above ultrasound image on her Instagram page.

“Already can’t wait to meet you little nugget,” lowell captioned the pic.

Naturally, fans were quick to echo the reality star’s excitement, with many offering words of congratulations.

The news of Lowell’s pregnancy is especially sweet coming as it does on the heels of a tremendously difficult year for Catelynn and her husband, Tyler Baltierra.

The downward spiral when Lowell suffered a miscarriage.

The tragedy triggered a sharp decline in her mental state that eventually led Catelynn to check into rehab.

Catelynn was diagnosed with PTSD, and with the help of her team of doctors, she began to work toward a healthier future.

The timing has led Lowell and Baltierra to liken their forthcoming new addition to a rainbow — the beautiful phenomenon that follows even the darkest of storms.

“The big news is that we are expecting our rainbow baby,” Lowell told Us Weekly in a recent interview.

“This baby is our rainbow after the storm. I’m super excited.”

Lowell said she and Tyler were not expecting to get pregnant but were overjoyed when they learned she’s expecting:

“It was a huge shock at first. We were not planning it, especially after the miscarriage and how I went downhill with my mental illness,” said Lowell.

“We were going to wait a really long time.

“We were using protection and everything and still got pregnant. This baby just wanted to be here. It was very unexpected.”

The baby’s gender, however, was anticipated by Catelynn who once remarked of her husband, “It’s like Tyler just makes girls. The guys make the gender.”

We’re not sure if Catelynn’s theories of reproductive science hold water, but far be it for us to rain on her parade.

The progress she and Tyler have made with their respective ailments is truly remarkable, and it’s no wonder that they’ve quickly become the Teen Mom world’s most beloved couple.

We wish these two and their growing family all the best in the years to come.
