Showing posts with label 'Autism'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Autism'. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Melania and Barron Trump -- Victory! YouTuber will Remove Bogus "Autism" Video

Melania Trump just got what she was after … the man who posted the YouTube video suggesting Barron had autism is taking the video down. The guy who posted the video says, “TMZ just contacted me to tell me Melania Trump is threatening a lawsuit…


Melania Trump Threatens Lawsuit Over Barron Trump Autism Video

Melania Trump is threatening to sue the man who has caused America to wonder whether or not her son is autistic.

In a seven-minute video shared on YouTube last week, James Hunter compiled a number of clips of Barron Trump throughout his father’s campaign to be President.

Footage of the 10-year old from the Republican National Convention and also from his father’s victory speech on the night of November 8 are especially prominent, with Hunter a making connection between young Barron’s behavior and specific signs of autism.

At one point, for example, the video depicts the child clapping… yet not actually having both hands connect.

There’s also footage of Barron Trump moving around in a chair and blinking often a bit during his dad’s Election Day acceptance speech.

There are many instances of the child yawning and grimacing.

The video grew in popularity after Rosie O’Donnell linked to it and asked on Twitter:

“Barron Trump Autistic? if so – what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic.”

The comedian, who is a blood rival of Donald Trump, has since explained that she harbors no ill will toward anyone in Donald’s family. 

According to a legal letter from attorney Charles Harder, which was obtained by TMZ and excerpted across the Internet, “a video was posted at YouTube recently speculating that Barron might be autistic. He is not.

The lawyer goes on to state:

“The video includes the hashtag ‘StopTheBullying’ but yet the video itself is bullying by making false statements and speculation about a 10-year old boy for the purpose of harassing him and his parents…

“The online bullying of children, including Barron Trump, should end now.”

On that point, Democrats and Republicans can both agree.

Melania Trump and her legal team are asking Hunter to remove the video from YouTube as soon as possible.

Hunter, meanwhile, tells Gossip Cop that “never meant to hurt” the Trump family and that he “just wanted to bring light to the autism epidemic.”

He adds via statement:

“I’m honestly kinda scared right now. The only reason I made the video is because I saw how much social media was bullying Barron Trump, and I wanted it to stop.

“I’d be really sad if I’ve made the situation worse, but I never could’ve imagined that the video would get so much press.”

Do you believe him?

Or do you think Hunter knew what he was doing all along?

It’s fair to say that even the harshest critic of Donald Trump would say that his 10-year old son is off limits when it comes to criticism and harassment.

Hunter concludes by saying he is “on the spectrum” of autism and just wanted to bring “light” to the “epidemic.”

Writes Hunter:

“I have a lot of respect for Melania Trump. I believe she’s a very smart and I’ll think she’ll be a great First Lady.

“I never ever meant to hurt her family or her son. If this is actually true, and if I actually see a real statement of her asking me to remove it, I will.

“I NEVER meant to hurt their family. I just with them the best.”


Monday, November 28, 2016

Melania Trump -- Threatens Suit Over False Barron "Autism" Video ... And Says Rosie O"Donnell Made it Worse

Melania Trump has hired a famous lawyer who is now threatening a lawsuit over a video suggesting her 10-year-old son, Barron, is autistic, and the letter calls out Rosie O’Donnell as a bully. According to the letter, obtained by TMZ, the…
