Showing posts with label 'Hit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Hit. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Manzo"d With Children Season 3 Trailer: $hit Gets Real

Manzo"d With Children is on its way back to Bravo.

With far less ham throwing this time around… we presume.

In the first trailer for Season 3, however, there is plenty of talk regarding Albie Manzo"s private parts… the hunting of ghosts… and pretty serious personal drama for Caroline Manzo and her family.

The crux of the season will center on The Real Housewives of New Jersey alum informing her loved ones that she’s found a lump in her breast.

"Put your hand here, tell me if you feel anything," she tells her husband in one scene. "It"s been hurting."

And while Manzo tries to stay strong in the face of this health crisis, she later admits in private that it"s a challenge she"s unsure she can handle.

"You know, I"m the strongest person you will ever meet when I"m battling for somebody else," Caroline says in a confessional.

"But when it"s me, oh, my God."

Other challenges will also face this famous family, such as Lauren"s difficulty in getting pregnant.

Living in her childhood home with husband Vito, Lauren says at one point that she’s “nervous” about their lack of conceiving to that point.

Look for the new episodes of this reality series to also deal with Al Manzo Sr. and Caroline facing what is next for them now that their three children are well on their way to living separate lives:

There"s Chris, who is embarking on a new writing career and looking for life outside of New Jersey.

There"s Albie, who is hitting the gym a lot.

And there"s Lauren, who, as mentioned above, is adjusting to married life…while living at home.

Manzo"d With Children Season 3 premieres with back-to-back episodes on Sunday, September 11, at 9/8c.

Get your first look at what"s on tap now:

Manzod with children season 3 trailer %24hit gets real

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Wife Texts Husband Crazy $hit He Says in His Sleep

God bless “LongTitlesMakeMeHappy."

An Imgur user whose real name is Aiden, this individual apparently talks in his sleep.


And his wife has take to jotting down the funniest things he says while getting his ZZZZZs, occasionally sending them to him as a text message.

Thankfully for the Internet, Aidan has since screen-shotted a bunch of these messages and shared them online.

Prepare to laugh hilariously in 3… 2… 1…

1. What About the Cats?!?

What about the cats

We really hope that person isn’t planning to harm any cats.

2. Beware of Shipments

Beware of shipments

Just… beware.

3. Belgians Are So Lucky

Belgians are so lucky

They get to be Belgium all the time!

4. So Much Better Than Grade 12

So much better than grade 12

You really dodged a bullet there, honey!

5. Give Me Back My Medals!

Give me back my medals

How dare you do this to me?!?


Smash time

It’s getting close. It’s almost here!

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Monday, June 27, 2016

12 Holy $hit Moments from the Game of Thrones Finale

Wait… what happened?!? Who died?!? 

Who is the King? Who is the Queen?

The Game of Thrones Season 6 finale answered a number of questions, posed many more and left viewers absolutely reeling.

Here is a look back at the most memorable moments:

1. BOOM Goes Cersei’s Dynamite

Boom goes cerseis dynamite

Well, not dynamite. Wildfire. But the concept and result were the same: instead of attending her trial, Cersei BLEW UP the Sept, killing everyone inside. This include the High Sparrow and Margaery.

2. This Will Hurt

This will hurt

But that wasn’t enough for Cersei. She also had Septa Unella imprisoned in the Red Keep, giving the Mountain full reign to torture her previous tormenter with the only caveat being that Unella’s death be drawn out a long, long, long time.

3. A Problem with her Plan

A problem with her plan

After witnessing the carnage created by his mother, Tommen jumped out a window and committed suicide. Cersei has now lost all her children.

4. But Now She’s The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms!

But now shes the queen of the seven kingdoms

So she has that going for her at least.


R plus l equals finally

Yes, Jon Snow is the child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. He has both bloodlines running through him, he has a claim to the throne… and maybe he can even control some dragons.

6. The King of the North!

The king of the north

By the end of the episode, Jon Snow has been properly dubbed the King of the North. (But he best beware of Littlefinger.)

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