Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Wife Texts Husband Crazy $hit He Says in His Sleep

God bless “LongTitlesMakeMeHappy."

An Imgur user whose real name is Aiden, this individual apparently talks in his sleep.


And his wife has take to jotting down the funniest things he says while getting his ZZZZZs, occasionally sending them to him as a text message.

Thankfully for the Internet, Aidan has since screen-shotted a bunch of these messages and shared them online.

Prepare to laugh hilariously in 3… 2… 1…

1. What About the Cats?!?

What about the cats

We really hope that person isn’t planning to harm any cats.

2. Beware of Shipments

Beware of shipments

Just… beware.

3. Belgians Are So Lucky

Belgians are so lucky

They get to be Belgium all the time!

4. So Much Better Than Grade 12

So much better than grade 12

You really dodged a bullet there, honey!

5. Give Me Back My Medals!

Give me back my medals

How dare you do this to me?!?


Smash time

It’s getting close. It’s almost here!

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