Showing posts with label 'Rigging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Rigging. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2016

Nyle DiMarco: Dancing With The Stars Accused Of Rigging His Scores!

This poor guy cannot win.

On Monday night’s episode of Dancing With The Stars, Nyle DiMarco and partner Peta Murgatroyd nailed their Foxtrot routine to U2’s “Beautiful Day.”

When it came time for the judges to give their votes, Bruno Tonioli held up his card, showing a score of 10 for the duo.  Carrie Ann Inaba also gave them a 10, and Len Goodman decided on a 9.

This is where things get weird.

When producers totaled up the scores, Tonioli’s card only showed a 9.  The show’s host, Tom Bergeron interjected and explained that the judge had “previously written down a 9, and that’s what would count in the end.”


This isn’t the first time a scoring mishap involving the Americas’ Next Top Model winner.  A similar situation occurred on April 18th when Maksim Chmerkovskiy (who is engaged to Murgatroyd) served as guest judge.

ABC issued an explanation in regards to the the slip-up to Radar Online, claiming that the May 2nd episode “was explained in detail within the show – via our host Tom Bergeron after it happened/after the break within that part of the show.”

Viewers were not buying it, and are siding with DiMarco, claiming that the the show screwed him over twice.

“You do the math. It is the second time this has happened,” a source on set told Radar.

“A couple of weeks ago, Bruno gave him a 10 and they made it a 9.

The first time it was happened, they were like whatever it’s a glitch, but last night Bruno seemed really pissed off.”

DiMarco may be a fan favorite, but stories about the cast loathing him have been circulating since the season kicked off in March.

“The other guys on set used to just shun Nyle, but it has gotten to the point where they are just flat-out rude now!” a source revealed in April.

Do you think the show is purposefully trying to sabotage DiMarco’s chances at winning the mirror ball trophy?

Nyle DiMarco: Dancing With The Stars Accused Of Rigging His Scores!

This poor guy cannot win.

On Monday night’s episode of Dancing With The Stars, Nyle DiMarco and partner Peta Murgatroyd nailed their Foxtrot routine to U2’s “Beautiful Day.”

When it came time for the judges to give their votes, Bruno Tonioli held up his card, showing a score of 10 for the duo.  Carrie Ann Inaba also gave them a 10, and Len Goodman decided on a 9.

This is where things get weird.

When producers totaled up the scores, Tonioli’s card only showed a 9.  The show’s host, Tom Bergeron interjected and explained that the judge had “previously written down a 9, and that’s what would count in the end.”


This isn’t the first time a scoring mishap involving the Americas’ Next Top Model winner.  A similar situation occurred on April 18th when Maksim Chmerkovskiy (who is engaged to Murgatroyd) served as guest judge.

ABC issued an explanation in regards to the the slip-up to Radar Online, claiming that the May 2nd episode “was explained in detail within the show – via our host Tom Bergeron after it happened/after the break within that part of the show.”

Viewers were not buying it, and are siding with DiMarco, claiming that the the show screwed him over twice.

“You do the math. It is the second time this has happened,” a source on set told Radar.

“A couple of weeks ago, Bruno gave him a 10 and they made it a 9.

The first time it was happened, they were like whatever it’s a glitch, but last night Bruno seemed really pissed off.”

DiMarco may be a fan favorite, but stories about the cast loathing him have been circulating since the season kicked off in March.

“The other guys on set used to just shun Nyle, but it has gotten to the point where they are just flat-out rude now!” a source revealed in April.

Do you think the show is purposefully trying to sabotage DiMarco’s chances at winning the mirror ball trophy?