Showing posts with label DiMarco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DiMarco. Show all posts

Saturday, May 27, 2017

"DWTS" Winner Nyle DiMarco Outraged At Jimmy Fallon, Jamie Foxx For Making Fun of the Deaf with Sign Language (VIDEO)

Nyle DiMarco is outraged at Jamie Foxx and Jimmy Fallon for a skit he says mocks deaf people. Foxx was on Fallon’s show Thursday night and at one point Fallon tossed to a break. As he’s tossing, Jamie is doing fake sign-language to the camera. The…


Friday, May 27, 2016

Nyle DiMarco: Could He Be the Next Bachelor??

Fresh off his first place win earlier this week on Dancing With the Stars, Nyle DiMarco is already considering another turn in the spotlight.

It would appear that reality TV really is his bag, as the former America’s Next Top Model winner is already contemplating joining The Bachelor.

“I mean, I don’t know. Let’s see if they reach out to me and see what happens,” the star, who is deaf, told Us Weekly.

“We’ll see what happens,” he added. “I think it’s funny because it would be kind of awkward to have an interpreter involved during the whole thing.”

Aww, that could be cute to see the contestants try to learn sign language, like that scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral when the cute deaf guy asked the girl to dance and she signed, “That would be mice.”

But DiMarco makes a good point:

“[The fantasy suite] would be a triangle,” he joked.

Oof. Yeah, that could get awkward.

However, DiMarco is single, and his identification as sexually fluid could really spice things up on the dating show, which has been running for 20 seasons.

The Bachelor franchise has come under fire for lack of diversity in the past.

Earlier this year, ABC addressed the possibility of casting a black bachelor in the role, but no confirmation was made.

Could DiMarco be the first deaf, sexually fluid Bachelor?

Prior to his mirror ball trophy win, the handsome star dedicated his final DWTS performance to the deaf community, particularly hearing impaired children.

“There’s about 70 million deaf people in the world and only two percent have access to education and 75 percent of parents don’t sign to their deaf kids,” he said.

“The show has made me realize how I can impact other lives,” he continued. “It’s not really about me. It’s about the millions of deaf people that live.”

I bet there’d be tons of ladies willing to accept a rose from that charmer.

Peta Murgatroyd on Deaf Dancing With The Stars Partner Nyle DiMarco: "I Had My Doubts"

On May 23rd, the won the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy, but that doesn"t mean that Dancing With The Stars duo Peta Murgatroyd and Nyle DiMarco were always 100% positive they would emerge victorious.  

In fact, Murgatroyd though the complete opposite when she learned she was going to be paired up with the deaf winner of America"s Next Top Model.

Murgatroyd, who hails from Perth, Australia, explained to the morning show that DiMarco comes from a family that has four generations of deaf members, and that he himself is 100% deaf.

"It was pretty challenging," the pro dancer told Australia"s Today show via satellite on March 27th.

"You know, when I first met him, I had to sit down and really strategise as to how I was going to get through the competition."

"I definitely had my doubts."

Murgatroyd explained how she not only got DiMarco to feel the rhythm, but she created an experiment that allowed viewers to understand what DiMarco experiences every week.

"We did do the silent dance, it was the paso doble. We cut the music for about four counts of eight," she explained. You know, I did that because I wanted to show America- and the world – what it"s like being in his position every Monday night.

It was scary, it was haunting, and people actually understood after that what he was going through and how crazy it is. He has this [built-in] rhythm in his body.  And I still, to this day, don"t know how he did it.  

"We got through it with little scratches on his back to make him faster, we had pulls and pushes. 

"It turned out great," she told the anchors.

"I mean, he did so well every single week and he just proved to people that anybody can dance and anybody can do this competition."

Watch Murgatroyd"s interview below

Peta murgatroyd on dancing with the stars partner nyle dimarco i

Peta Murgatroyd on Deaf Dancing With The Stars Partner Nyle DiMarco: "I Had My Doubts"

On May 23rd, the won the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy, but that doesn"t mean that Dancing With The Stars duo Peta Murgatroyd and Nyle DiMarco were always 100% positive they would emerge victorious.  

In fact, Murgatroyd though the complete opposite when she learned she was going to be paired up with the deaf winner of America"s Next Top Model.

Murgatroyd, who hails from Perth, Australia, explained to the morning show that DiMarco comes from a family that has four generations of deaf members, and that he himself is 100% deaf.

"It was pretty challenging," the pro dancer told Australia"s Today show via satellite on March 27th.

"You know, when I first met him, I had to sit down and really strategise as to how I was going to get through the competition."

"I definitely had my doubts."

Murgatroyd explained how she not only got DiMarco to feel the rhythm, but she created an experiment that allowed viewers to understand what DiMarco experiences every week.

"We did do the silent dance, it was the paso doble. We cut the music for about four counts of eight," she explained. You know, I did that because I wanted to show America- and the world – what it"s like being in his position every Monday night.

It was scary, it was haunting, and people actually understood after that what he was going through and how crazy it is. He has this [built-in] rhythm in his body.  And I still, to this day, don"t know how he did it.  

"We got through it with little scratches on his back to make him faster, we had pulls and pushes. 

"It turned out great," she told the anchors.

"I mean, he did so well every single week and he just proved to people that anybody can dance and anybody can do this competition."

Watch Murgatroyd"s interview below

Peta murgatroyd on dancing with the stars partner nyle dimarco i

Friday, May 6, 2016

Nyle DiMarco: Dancing With The Stars Accused Of Rigging His Scores!

This poor guy cannot win.

On Monday night’s episode of Dancing With The Stars, Nyle DiMarco and partner Peta Murgatroyd nailed their Foxtrot routine to U2’s “Beautiful Day.”

When it came time for the judges to give their votes, Bruno Tonioli held up his card, showing a score of 10 for the duo.  Carrie Ann Inaba also gave them a 10, and Len Goodman decided on a 9.

This is where things get weird.

When producers totaled up the scores, Tonioli’s card only showed a 9.  The show’s host, Tom Bergeron interjected and explained that the judge had “previously written down a 9, and that’s what would count in the end.”


This isn’t the first time a scoring mishap involving the Americas’ Next Top Model winner.  A similar situation occurred on April 18th when Maksim Chmerkovskiy (who is engaged to Murgatroyd) served as guest judge.

ABC issued an explanation in regards to the the slip-up to Radar Online, claiming that the May 2nd episode “was explained in detail within the show – via our host Tom Bergeron after it happened/after the break within that part of the show.”

Viewers were not buying it, and are siding with DiMarco, claiming that the the show screwed him over twice.

“You do the math. It is the second time this has happened,” a source on set told Radar.

“A couple of weeks ago, Bruno gave him a 10 and they made it a 9.

The first time it was happened, they were like whatever it’s a glitch, but last night Bruno seemed really pissed off.”

DiMarco may be a fan favorite, but stories about the cast loathing him have been circulating since the season kicked off in March.

“The other guys on set used to just shun Nyle, but it has gotten to the point where they are just flat-out rude now!” a source revealed in April.

Do you think the show is purposefully trying to sabotage DiMarco’s chances at winning the mirror ball trophy?

Nyle DiMarco: Dancing With The Stars Accused Of Rigging His Scores!

This poor guy cannot win.

On Monday night’s episode of Dancing With The Stars, Nyle DiMarco and partner Peta Murgatroyd nailed their Foxtrot routine to U2’s “Beautiful Day.”

When it came time for the judges to give their votes, Bruno Tonioli held up his card, showing a score of 10 for the duo.  Carrie Ann Inaba also gave them a 10, and Len Goodman decided on a 9.

This is where things get weird.

When producers totaled up the scores, Tonioli’s card only showed a 9.  The show’s host, Tom Bergeron interjected and explained that the judge had “previously written down a 9, and that’s what would count in the end.”


This isn’t the first time a scoring mishap involving the Americas’ Next Top Model winner.  A similar situation occurred on April 18th when Maksim Chmerkovskiy (who is engaged to Murgatroyd) served as guest judge.

ABC issued an explanation in regards to the the slip-up to Radar Online, claiming that the May 2nd episode “was explained in detail within the show – via our host Tom Bergeron after it happened/after the break within that part of the show.”

Viewers were not buying it, and are siding with DiMarco, claiming that the the show screwed him over twice.

“You do the math. It is the second time this has happened,” a source on set told Radar.

“A couple of weeks ago, Bruno gave him a 10 and they made it a 9.

The first time it was happened, they were like whatever it’s a glitch, but last night Bruno seemed really pissed off.”

DiMarco may be a fan favorite, but stories about the cast loathing him have been circulating since the season kicked off in March.

“The other guys on set used to just shun Nyle, but it has gotten to the point where they are just flat-out rude now!” a source revealed in April.

Do you think the show is purposefully trying to sabotage DiMarco’s chances at winning the mirror ball trophy?

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Nyle DiMarco vs. Dancing With The Stars Cast: This is War!!!

He’s a frontrunner, which automatically puts a bullseye on his head.

America’s Next Top Model winner Nyle DiMarco is this season’s standout on Dancing With The Stars, and no one from the cast is happy.

On Monday’s episode, footage from rehearsals revealed DiMarco’s plans for mirror ball domination (or what some might simply call “goals.”).

When a producer asked DiMarco who his biggest competition was, the model skipped right over the talent and selected one of the dance pros.

Nope.  Bad idea.  Don’t do that.

“I think my competition right now is Val,” DiMarco answered, referring to Murgatroyd’s soon-to-be brother-in-law, Val Chmerovskiy.

This did not sit well with judge Len Goodman, who thought it was a little obnoxious that Dimarco would think he was competing against a pro.

“You’re a good dancer, but don’t start saying you’re as good as Val because you’ll just annoy people,” Goodman warned him.

After the dust settled, DiMarco and Chmerovskiy cleared up any friction over the comment.

“#DWTS Like playing a sport as a newbie, you would study Professionals as if they’re “to beat”… Only to push yourself,” DiMarco tweeted.

“This is why I study Val.”

He then added, “I can’t lie… #DWTS stars are great!! It is just how I strategize towards the Mirror Ball and I think it is not wrong :)”

Chmerovskiy’s response was equally positive.

“@NyleDiMarco you embracing dance and being ambitious about it is HUGE compliment not just to me but to the dance world as a whole.”

Still, Radar Online alleges that all is not well behind the scenes, and hasn’t been since DiMarco emerged as the season’s strongest dancer.

Nyle is absolutely OVER playing nice guy and he is not taking it anymore,” a source told the site.

“He is tired of keeping his mouth shut and is going to start putting everyone on blast.”

And while Chmerovksiy may have sent out a positive tweet, in reality he’s seething.

“Val has been extremely rude to him and Nyle is not having it any longer,” the source added.

“He is in it to win it and is out for blood.”

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dancing With The Stars Drama: Everyone Hates Peta Murgatroyd and Nyle DiMarco

There’s nothing like being punished for your talents.

This season, partners Nyle DiMarco and Peta Murgatroyd are the least popular cast members on the set, primarily because of their high scores.

Next week, the celebs will switch partners, which is kind of freaking the America’s Next Top Model winner out.

“The other guys on set used to just shun Nyle, but it has gotten to the point where they are just flat-out rude now!” a source told Radar Online.

“No one even tries to engage with him anymore. Granted, he is deaf, but they used to all at least just say ‘hello’ or tell him that he was doing a great job. There is no longer any of that going on.”

Muratroyd is even butting heads with Val Chmerkovskiy, her fiance’s younger brother, “because he told Maksim that Peta was getting too emotionally attached to Nyle,” the source added.

“There is so much drama right now because Peta is constantly fighting with her castmates because it seems like they are all out to get Nyle.”

So, everyone’s acting like a child/celebrity.

“Nyle’s competitors are trying to shut him down,” the source explained

“He is the strongest competitor right now and because of that he is getting a lot of heat from the other dancers.

“Peta is being fiercely protective over Nyle because she has to be.  She has a lot invested in this and in him. Everyone is trying to start sh*t with the both of them and it is just making Nyle work harder. He is in it to win it.”