Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Nyle DiMarco vs. Dancing With The Stars Cast: This is War!!!

He’s a frontrunner, which automatically puts a bullseye on his head.

America’s Next Top Model winner Nyle DiMarco is this season’s standout on Dancing With The Stars, and no one from the cast is happy.

On Monday’s episode, footage from rehearsals revealed DiMarco’s plans for mirror ball domination (or what some might simply call “goals.”).

When a producer asked DiMarco who his biggest competition was, the model skipped right over the talent and selected one of the dance pros.

Nope.  Bad idea.  Don’t do that.

“I think my competition right now is Val,” DiMarco answered, referring to Murgatroyd’s soon-to-be brother-in-law, Val Chmerovskiy.

This did not sit well with judge Len Goodman, who thought it was a little obnoxious that Dimarco would think he was competing against a pro.

“You’re a good dancer, but don’t start saying you’re as good as Val because you’ll just annoy people,” Goodman warned him.

After the dust settled, DiMarco and Chmerovskiy cleared up any friction over the comment.

“#DWTS Like playing a sport as a newbie, you would study Professionals as if they’re “to beat”… Only to push yourself,” DiMarco tweeted.

“This is why I study Val.”

He then added, “I can’t lie… #DWTS stars are great!! It is just how I strategize towards the Mirror Ball and I think it is not wrong :)”

Chmerovskiy’s response was equally positive.

“@NyleDiMarco you embracing dance and being ambitious about it is HUGE compliment not just to me but to the dance world as a whole.”

Still, Radar Online alleges that all is not well behind the scenes, and hasn’t been since DiMarco emerged as the season’s strongest dancer.

Nyle is absolutely OVER playing nice guy and he is not taking it anymore,” a source told the site.

“He is tired of keeping his mouth shut and is going to start putting everyone on blast.”

And while Chmerovksiy may have sent out a positive tweet, in reality he’s seething.

“Val has been extremely rude to him and Nyle is not having it any longer,” the source added.

“He is in it to win it and is out for blood.”