Showing posts with label ARTSHAMING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARTSHAMING. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Khloe Kardashian SLAMS Kris Jenner: Stop ART-SHAMING Me!

Back before she was feuding with Kim, we saw Kourtney be so rude about Khloe"s upholstery choices that Khloe asked what crawled up Kourtney"s ass.

Well, Kourtney"s not the only one giving Khloe a hard time. In this KUWTK sneak peek clip, it"s Kris" turn.

And now Khloe is calling out Kris for, get this, "art-shaming" her. Art-shaming.

Khloe kardashian with her arms krossed

"What are those gold things?" Khloe asks her mother in a new preview clip from Keeping Up With The Kardashians. "Are those, like, ceramic …?"

"Those are Jeff Koons," Kris replies.

Khloe replies: "I don"t know what a Jeff Koons is."

Khloe"s tone of voice, as you"ll hear, is precisely the tone that you might use if a coworker brings up a professional athlete when you"ve never watched a sports game in your entire adult life.

"He"s famous for the balloon dog," Kris explains.

Khloe kardashian kris jenner and jeff koons

Kris has a suggestion for how her daughter might broaden her horizons and ask fewer gauche questions.

"You need to go to, like, an art class," Kris suggests to Khloe.

Khloe did not appreciate Kris" artsplaining, which she felt was a condescending response to her question.

"Just because I"m not as knowledgeable as you," Khloe protests. "You shouldn"t turn your nose up."

"You should be like, "Khloe, Jeff Koons is …" instead of making me feel less than and uneducated," Khloe suggests.

Her feelings are valid, but that doesn"t necessarily mean that she is not overreacting to her mom"s words a little.

Jeff koons art owned by kris

Speaking to the konfessional kamera, Khloe explains her frustrations with her mom.

"My mom has not known about art for years and years," Khloe reveals.

Khloe continues, saying: "She"s just learning about art — which is great!"

It"s good that Khloe isn"t bashing her mom"s interest in art, just what she perceives to be Kris" newfound know-it-all tone.

"But," Khloe says. "You can"t art-shame people just because they know less than you."

Fun art fact: art-shaming is … not a thing.

Kris jenner at her computer

"I"m your f–king daughter," Khloe protests. "And you"re art-shaming me! And it"s mean!"

Some might argue that Kris had simply answered her question, and then offered a helpful suggestion for how Khloe could learn more.

"I don"t understand why people like to make other people feel like s–t," Khloe laments.

"Sorry," Kris says, starting over. "It"s a Jeff Koons."

This time, there is no suggestion that Khloe could take an art class.

Kris then helpfully spells his last name: "K-O-O-N-S."

Khloe kardashian facepalm pic

Sometimes people who are just learning about something will be condescending about what they do know, in part to shield themselves from embarrassment about their past ignorance.

That"s just part of human nature.

It"s also more than possible that Khloe was being a little overly sensitive about her mother … answering her question.

Jeff Koons is a famous artist, but he"s a modern artist (several years ago, one of his pieces set a record for most expensive art of any living artist).

It is totally understandable that Khloe wouldn"t know his name. Art history dates back thousands and thousands of years, folks.

Khloe kardashian slams kris jenner stop art shaming me