Showing posts with label Absentee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Absentee. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Tristan Thompson Accused of Being an Absentee Father Who Really Sucks

Based on mountains of video evidence from the past few months, it’s clear that Tristan Thompson is adept at juggling multiple mistresses.

It would be impressive if it weren’t so immoral and disgusting.

But a new report aims to make it equally clear that Tristan Thompsonis terrible at juggling children.

Yes, children.

As in… more than one child.

By now, anyone with an Internet connection is likely aware that Thompson fathered a little girl with Khloe Kardashian last month.

She gave birth to a daughter named True on April 11, mere days afterthe aforementioned cheating allegations spread like wildfire around the Internet.

While he’s clearly a terrible boyfriend, has Thompson been a decent father to the one-month old?

It may be too soon too tell, considering he’s been traveling a lot for the NBA Playoffs, although Thompson ha at least acknowledged that True eats, sleeps and defecates.

Did you know, however, that Thompson also has a 17-month old son?

Here’s a recent photo of the child (named Prince) with his mother and Tristan’s ex-girlfriend, Jordan Craig:

Writes Craig as a caption to the cute snapshot:

“There’s absolutely no feeling in the world greater than bringing a smile to your face! Forever in love with being your Mummy.”

Many insiders have said that Thompson dumped a pregnant Craig for Khloe back in mid-2016 when the basketball player and the reality star began dating.

We’d say this sort of move sounds out of character for Thompson, but…

… it sounds totally in character for Thompson.

To Craig’s credit, she has taken the high road of late, refusing to speak badly about her son’s father, even in the wake of his ongoing infidelity scandal.

“If you respect yourself and you respect others, you would never make light of the misfortune of anyone,” Craig wrote when this scandal first went viral, adding:

“Nor would you feel indemnified when it comes at the expense of others. Wishing peace for everyone.”

In Craig’s place, though, someone spoke to Hollywood Life and did share an unflattering assessment of Thompson as a parent to his son.

Says this anonymous individual:

“Tristan is pretty much an absent father, although he regularly pays his child support, that is something he can’t be faulted for.”

“But when it comes to parenting of his son, it’s pretty much all on Jordan.”

And also: “Of course Jordan wishes Tristan was more present in Prince’s life, but it is what it is.

“Jordan accepts that it’s all about Tristan and that basically he’s like a big kid, so she really can’t expect too much more from him really.”

Craig gave birth to Prince on December 12, 2016, about four months after Thompson got together with Kardashian

Tristan barely ever talks about that relationship, but did almost admit in a recent podcast that he doesn’t see his son often.

Not that he seems too concerned about the effect this will have on Prince. The little guy will survive, after all!

He said to Allie Clifton on May 8:

“I think with a girl, you’re just so much more emotionally like… with a boy, it’s just like, ‘Hey man, you’ll be all right man. Stop crying.’” 

“But [with True], it’s like, ‘True, it’s gonna be okay. You know, we’re right here. Daddy’s here to feed you. It’s me! Look, yeah!’ It’s way different.”

“But it’s fun, though. It changes you.”

Nice to see that Thompson is sexist on top of all his other bad qualities, isn’t it?
