Showing posts with label AllOut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AllOut. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Nippon Airways Passengers Get Into All-Out Brawl: WATCH!

We just have one question when it comes to air travel these days:


It"s never exactly been fun to fly, not with delays and gross food and tight spaces and excessive baggage fees.

But then United Airlines physically dragged a patron off a plane after it overbooked his flight.

And then Delta Airlines gave a customer the boot because he went to the bathroom while the plane was on the ground.

And now Nippon Airways has not done anything wrong, but footage has gone viral of two passengers getting into a wild brawl just prior to takeoff.

In the video below, we one man in a colorful shirt approach another man in the black shirt.

The latter has since been identified as Ryan Humphreys and he has since told TMZ that his opponent was ranting and raving about the U.S. government prior to instigating this fight.

This account has been verified by the passenger who filmed this video, as he wrote on YouTube that the unidentified gentleman yelled at one point "You think I"m crazy? What about the government?!?"

This same fellow passengers makes a point of writing that Nippon employees handled the situation as well as possible.

Humphreys, meanwhile, says the fists started flying after this seemingly deranged individual started "smothering" a woman in front of him.

The violent passenger was thrown off the plane in Tokyo and then arrested after he allegedly put a choke hold on an airline employee.

Crazy, right?!?

Watch the brawl below, and then maybe think twice about ever flying again…

Nippon airways passengers get into all out brawl on board plane

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kris Jenner: Launching "All-Out War" Against Caitlyn Jenner, Source Claims

Ever since Caitlyn Jenner made her debut on Vanity Fair, her relationship with ex-wife Kris Jenner has been strained, to say the least.

Caitlyn and Kris’ feud began in the very same VF profile in which Caitlyn introduced herself to the world.

In her interview, Kris made no bones about the fact that she was not happy with the way Caitlyn handled her transition, and she claimed that she felt she’d been misled for the entirety of their marriage.

The exes briefly seemed to patch things up and Kris even made a cameo on Caitlyn’s reality show.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Kris and Caitlyn are still angry with one another, and any talk of reconciliation was purely for show. 

“This is all-out war now,” one source claims. “Any reunion stories concerning the two are completely laughable.

“They’re competing over everything, not just the kids’ approvals — surgeons, therapists, even gardeners and tennis coaches.”

The strangest part of their beef? Kris has apparently trashed her entire wardrobe for fear that her clothes may have inspired Caitlyn’s fashion choices:

“She’s totally thrown out her entire wardrobe knowing Caitlyn has probably tried it on or gone out and bought something similar,” says the insider. “She’s not going to be compared to her ex if she can avoid it.”

Of course, during their marriage, Kris was Caitlyn’s manager as much as she was her wife. The source says those days are long gone, and now Kris is hoping that Caitlyn turns out be a flash in the pan:

“She used to be the one who got everything for her when they were married,” the insider says. “Now that they’re split and she has transitioned into a woman, Kris isn’t doing anything to help her career.”

Frankly, we think these two should be share an apartment for a new reality show. It might be hell, but neither of them can resist a multi-million dollar idea!