Showing posts with label Anarky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anarky. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Arrow Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: Anarky in the USA

Thea discovered the truth about her anger issues on Arrow Season 4 Episode 2.

Elsewhere, CEO Felicity made a discovery of her own, learning about the the cost of doing business; while Damien Darhk’s most recent handiwork led to a political development.

We’ll start with Felicity, who we may not hire to ever run our business.

She now heads up Palmer Tech and she avoided some actual payroll problems this week by employing a bit of fantasy.

She and Oliver now have money, as the latter put it, yet they used a lot of it to buy a fingerprinted truck instead of covering a decent amount of a staffer’s salary.

The storyline just didn’t really work.

Elsewhere, Oliver was tasked with keeping Jeri Ryan’s Jessica Danforth safe. She was a family friend running for Mayor in place of Moira.

Enter Anarky, Darhk’s private contractor who initially tried to kidnap Jessica and then eventually abducted her daughter.

Because he’s all about “order, discipline and precision,” Darhk actually gave Lance the girl’s location and Lance, in turn, told Oliver to go ahead and prove how things are different this time around.

So Team Arrow went out and rescued the girl.

But the major fallout here was that Thea (aka Speedy) practically roasted Anarky to death as a finishing move.

Before this scary moment, Oliver told his sister about the Lazarus Pit and how it was used to bring her back to life and how he had been warned that its side effects could leave her very different from before.

At the end of the hour, Laurel suggested that she and Thea enjoy with a spa getaway; but, in reality, she’s taking her friend to Nanda Parbat for two reasons:

  1. To gather the information that might help Thea deal with these issues.

  2. To see what the Pit might do for Sara, who’s not looking so hot after a year in the grave.

As we look forward to Arrow Season 4 Episode 3, these developments also went down this week:

  • Diggle told Laurel about how Darhk’s “ghosts” work for H.I.V.E., the same organization that killed his brother. Laurel responded by warning him against internalizing the guilt over a sibling’s death.

  • In flashbacks, Oliver afield to pass himself off as a castaway to Baron Reiter, who put him to work. During his first shift, Oliver met a young woman who complained about the conditions.

  • Oliver hinted that he may run for Mayor!

Need to catch up on this installment? You can always watch Arrow online via our friends at TV Fanatic.