Showing posts with label AntiChild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AntiChild. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2016

Jill & Jessa Counting On: Anti-Child Abuse Groups Slam TLC For Controversial Series

It’s been a month since the Duggars returned to television with the first full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, and not surprisingly, reactions have been mixed.

Ratings for the show have been solid, but the fallout from the Josh Duggar sex scandals remains, and Counting On has struggled to find advertisers, with several companies pulling ads in order to avoid controversy.

Now, TLC is coming under fire for allegedly sending a mixed message to viewers with a series of public service announcements.

The network has partnered with Darkness to Light – an organization that benefits the victims of childhood sexual abuse – for a series of ads that will air throughout April as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Unfortunately, the network’s humanitarian efforts may have backfired, as many viewers have taken to social media to voice their displeasure with

“TLC has a promo for child abuse month, but they’re paying a family who has a son who abused his siblings, and then the family proceeded to cover it up. Stop being hypocrites. ‪#‎NoMoreDuggars‬. ‪#‎NoExcuseForAbuse‬,” one Twitter user wrote.

“You keep supporting the most vile and bigoted family in the USA… yes, the Duggars and their offspring, and yet you tout your support of CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH,” one woman commented on Facebook.

“Are you kidding???? The only way you will show your support of CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH is to announce that you have canceled any show in the future associated with the Duggar, Seewald, or Dillard families!”

The network has yet to respond to the controversy, but if the outcry continues, the Duggars may be facing another humiliating cancelation.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to see what all the fuss is about.