Showing posts with label Appreciate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Appreciate. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2018

Carmine Caridi Didn"t Appreciate Jimmy Kimmel"s Weinstein Oscars Joke

Jimmy Kimmel compared Harvey Weinstein’s expulsion from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to the only other guy to get kicked out … and the ex-member is cranky over it. We spoke with actor Carmine Caridi — who was the butt of…


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Promote UNCOMMEN App, May Not Appreciate Irony

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar recently filmed a promo video for UNCOMMEN, an app aimed at making men better dads and people.

The nonprofit organization behind the app wants men to “win” at life, believing society’s future rests on the shoulders of young males.

Says the UNCOMMEN organization, which tries to help men “win” by transforming their roles as husbands and fathers into a game: 

“When men win: wives, kids, and society wins. When men win, we don’t have to build as many shelters for abandoned families.”

“When men win, we don’t pay the psychological and emotional toll for fatherless kids, or care for so many abused and neglected wives.”

Men are presented with “challenges” like taking cute photos with their kids, making dinner for their families and getting other dads to join. 

You know, critical stuff no man or father would ever consider doing otherwise and which makes all the difference in the world today.

In the video, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar urge us to use the product to “stay connected to your kids” and “be the dad that you should be.”

The ironic and massive elephant in the room, obviously, is that the Duggars are shilling for this despite having raised … Josh Duggar.

Dude has a lot to learn! Fortunately, UNCOMMEN is on the case.

According to this mind-shattering app, Josh should … probably present Anna Duggar with gifts like waterproof mascara and compliments.

Seriously. We’re sure that’ll make everything okay with Anna.

Amazingly, there was an UNCOMMEN blog post in the past year about the Ashley Madison cheating website Josh was busted using.

In “You Are At Risk: The Ashley Madison Con Game,” an UNCOMMEN blog writer lists ways for husbands to avoid being tempted.

Some tips – spicing up one’s sex life by banging on the kitchen table, in the car, or the middle of the day – would make Michelle cringe.

Or would it? Michelle was criticized earlier this year for subtly blaming Anna Duggar for Josh cheating … or any wife for that matter.

According to Michelle, it’s the woman’s role to be “joyfully available” for him at all times if she doesn’t want him f–king other women.

All that aside, the Duggars’ latest partnership speaks volumes.

Despite Josh’s infidelity, love of online porn, hypocrisy and child molestation, and his parents’ role in (mis)handling the latter, they march on.

Slowly rebuilding their image by moving past the scandals as imperfect people striving to do better, they have certainly made strides.

They have their critics and those critics are as vocal as ever, but to their fans, they are weathering a storm and emerging better for it.

The Executive Director of UNCOMMEN, Dee Lanier, has a background in ministry, a good fit with the Duggars’ strongly religious views.

One could certainly read into this as Jim Bob and Michelle using UNCOMMEN to help better Josh and help others avoid similar slip-ups.

Is it a ridiculous sounding app to most people? Absolutely.

Stil, it looks more and more like 19 Kids & Counting’s return is inevitable, and this endorsement speaks to the family’s lasting appeal.