Showing posts with label BarelyThere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BarelyThere. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Emily Ratajkowski Sunbathing in Tiny, Barely-There Bikini

If ya got the Monday blues, Emily Ratajkowski in white — a super tiny white bikini — is exactly what the doctor ordered. Emily’s soaking up some sun in Sydney right now, lounging around with a gal pal who, TBH, is holding her own next to…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Paola Mayfield Flaunts Her Baby Bump in a Barely-There Bikini!

Last month, we learned something very exciting: Paola Mayfield and Russ are expecting their first child.

The 90 Day Fiance couple is overjoyed at the news, and Pao is taking to social media to show off her baby bump in a barely-there bikini.

In the video that we"ve included, see how her fit body has changed.

Paola mayfield baby bump bikini

Wearing a colorful and extremely minimal bikini, Paola Mayfield poses in front of the mirror while recording herself.

"Too many changes," Paola writes in her Instagram caption. "And I’m loving them all."

As you"ll see in the video below (and in the .gifs that we"ve whipped up), Pao"s body is indeed changing.

Though it"s been just under a month since she and Russ shared the good news, she"s already showing a baby bump.

But, as you might expect from an ab-tastic fitness model, her baby bump looks a little different than most.

Paola mayfield baby bump gif

The first baby bump pic that Paola and Russ shared was a little more traditional.

It was a still image. Paola was wearing a red dress that hugged her belly with its newfound curves.

In the photo, kneeling before her, was Russ, planting a gentle kiss on his wife"s bump.

It was very, very sweet.

But considering that Paola is a fitness model who is no stranger to showing off her incredible form on social media, this new video is a little more like what fans expect.

Paola mayfield look at my baby bump

A little over a week ago, Paola and Russ revealed that they"re expecting a boy.

Obviously, gender is a social construct that no ultrasound can magically predict, but we know what they mean.

This is huge news for the couple.

Even Paola"s friend Juan, who has had serious doubts about Russ and her relationship with him, is rejoicing at the pregnancy announcement.

It"s good to support your friends, even if you have doubts about their life choices.

Paola mayfield pregnant and loving it

Paola moved from Columbia to the U.S. because she and Russ had fallen in love.

Like all 90 Day Fiance couples, Russ and Pao had to deal with more problems than simply their relationship beginning long-distance.

When Paola moved to the U.S. to be with Russ, she lived with Russ … in Oklahoma. It was not ideal.

She had no friends there and no career opportunities. And it was Oklahoma.

However, things changed for the better after Russ, being a supportive husband (despite his old-timey reservations about her career), moved to Miami with her.

Boy on tap

You might be distracted by Paola"s baby bump or by the many visible parts of her body that are not her baby bump in this video.

But if you look at her face and the way that she"s touching herself (on her abdomen, you pervs), you can see that she is really over the moon about her pregnancy.

By the way, in case anyone thinks of body-shaming her for maintaining her fit body while pregnant, please remember that different women carry weight, including baby weight, to different degrees.

Also, body-shaming someone for being slender is not morally superior to body-shaming someone for being large.

Congratulations again to Paola and Russ!

Paola mayfield flaunts her baby bump in barely there bikini

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Kylie Jenner Downplays Pregnancy News By Showing Off a Seemingly Barely-There Baby Bump

Kylie Jenner appears to wanna throw people off the scent that she’s pregnant … because she just shared some pics that show a barely-there baby bump. Kylie posted new photos of herself on Instagram Sunday — the first she’s put up since TMZ broke…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kylie Jenner Wears a Barely-There White Robe ... Or Dress ... Or Something

Kylie Jenner isn’t really known for her subtlety, so it’s good to be reminded that she knows more way to be seductive than posing in a fishnet bra.

Even when she’s just advertising things on Instagram, it’s great to see her wearing a dress!

Well … sort of. You’ll see.

Kylie Jenner posed in these two photos below.

She’s wearing what first looks like a very short bathrobe.

Now, Kylie is a SoCal girl through and through, meaning that she finds 60 degrees Fahrenheit to be “bitter cold.”

So as much as this girl likes to take off her clothes for the camera, we imagine that whatever bathrobe she wears off camera is probably one of those super thick ones so that she stays warm.

Don’t get us wrong, Kylie looks phenomenal in both photos, but it didn’t look like something that she’d choose to wear in her everyday life.

Well, we naturally looked at the captions.

We weren’t surprised to find that it was an ad.

We were surprised to learn something else, though.

Like we said, she looks great.

But this isn’t a robe at all, allegedly.

According to the company that sells these (and Kylie is definitely modeling in this as an ad, even tagging it as ad, which is great since other stars are getting in trouble with the FTC for posting Instagram ads without the tag), this is a dress.

Yes, really.

(We’re not defending that Fashion Nova choose to call this a dress, mind you, just … assuring you that this is the label that they have chosen)

Specifically? This is called the “Sugar Free Dress.”

But whatever they choose to call it, we wouldn’t recommend wearing this to a job interview or trying to wear it to prom.

Kylie looks great in it, but it really does look like it’s just one slight slip away from baring … something.

But hey, there are some parties where an adult would look great in this.

Kylie’s been doing a lot over the past couple of years to shed her imagine of being a kid.

She’s been very successful, despite being the youngest member of a celebrity family and despite growing up in front of the eyes fo millions of viewers.

(Also, she’s just been very successful, period — she’s a makeup mogul whose business could be worth a billion dollars in just a few years)

Life of Kylie didn’t get the best ratings.

There are no guarantees that it will be renewed for another season, no matter how inexpensive reality shows are to film.

Part of that is because the popularity of specific types of reality shows waxes and wanes.

Part of that is because nobody wants to sit around and listen to Kylie whine about being famous for a half hour.

But these pics are as good of a reminder as any that Kylie can still share bits of her life and monetize it through social media.

So even if her show never again sees the light of day, Kylie’s clearly not going anywhere.
