Showing posts with label Boner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boner. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Nick Jonas Admits to Boner, Spanking Fetish

Too much information, Nick Jonas?

Or… you are way too awesome, Nick Jonas?

The singer, who has been making the media rounds this week, admitted to a couple rather personal tidbits during appearances on NBC and Bravo.

First, on Monday evening, told Jimmy Fallon about an unexpected erection he once got in 2014.

Yes, an unexpected erection. We’ll let the handsome artist take it from here, but we’ll preface his story by saying it started by Jonas sucking on a marijuana lollipop.

“I went to bed feeling fine. Woke up the next day and everything’s in slow motion,” he said, miming the hilarious moment as the crowd laughed.

“I’m like, ‘Oh no, this is happening. This is real,’ because I had to be up for the Young Hollywood Awards, presenting at the Young Hollywood Awards!”

So Jonas went back to bed and tried to sleep it off.

But he woke up and was still hearing voices.

He put on his suit, he went to the ceremony and then…

“I get a NARB,” he told Fallon.

We’re sorry… a what?!?

“A NARB is a non–apparent reason boner,” Jonas explained.

He then cracked Fallon up by showing him a photo from that night. Take note of the location of Nick’s hands in it:

Amazing, right?

The next night, Jonas – who had made it a habit to speak openly about drugs and sex – stopped by Bravo to chat with Andy Cohen.

He was asked whether he’d watch porn with someone in bed and said he’s “not into it.” He was asked if he’s dow with “curries” and he grimaced.

But has he ever been into spanking? Could he see himself getting spanked?

“Yeah, absolutely,” the singer replied. “I’ve got a firm ass.”

What about getting tied up?

“Not into it,” Jonas said. “It happened one time, and it didn’t end well. I didn’t know what to do, it was all … it was bad.”

HA! Nick Jonas is our new favorite celebrity.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Speaker of the House -- Anchor Gets a Boner Over Resignation! (VIDEO)


This is hilarious, and something every news anchor in American has tried NOT to mispronounce … the name of Speaker of the House John Boehner.

Lauren Sivan from Fox 11 L.A. clearly had in her head what she SHOULDN’T say, but it came out anyway.

As you know, the Speaker announced Friday he would be resigning.  To be fair to Lauren, that probably did give conservative house Republicans a boner.