Showing posts with label Fetish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fetish. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Donald Trump Jr.: Secret DMs, Bacon Fetish... REVEALED!

We all love bacon.

It may very well be the perfect food.

But new direct messages released by a model named Melissa Stetten have revealed the level to which Donald Trump Jr. apparently adores this pig-made delicacy…

… and it’s A LOT.

Donald Trump Jr. loves bacon a lot.

The oldest son of President Donald Trump, whose marriage legally fell apart this week, sent Stetten a number of messages in November of 2011, not long after his wife gave birth to son Tristan.

The DMs don’t necessarily reflect any sort of inappropriate relationship between the businessman and the model.

They simply depict an odd obsession of Donald Trump Jr.’s that has been rumored about over the years.

“Surprised his marriage didn’t work out since he was sending me DMs a month after his wife gave birth,” Stetten tweeted this week, sharing a screen shot of Trump Jr.’s message to her, which read as follows:

“Well Im getting s–t 4the bacon comment glad I opted not 2send the tweet asking 4pics from ur bathroom tweet last night;) people need2chil.”

Need an explanation?

Let’s turn to Stetten…

She said on Thursday that this DM came after she tweeted a “joke about pulling a muscle changing a tampon” and – to her confusion – “he replied asking if I smelled bacon?”

stetten message

Once word of this exchange went viral, a spokeswoman for Trump Jr. provided the full thread of their DMs in order to prove two things:

1. There was no affair going on.

2. Both sides were clearly joking around during their online chat.

Here is the full exchange:

full junior

We’re happy to grant that Trump Jr. and Stetten were not carrying on in a sexual manner.

Was the former flirting with the latter? We’ll leave that up to readers to debate.

Stetten told People Magazine, though, that she had “no idea” what The Other Donald meant by the bacon reference, although she did cite other Tweets from around this time that proved Trump has “some weird obsession with bacon.”

For example:

One tweet from Trump Jr. back then read:

“Does anyone else have a Bacon fetish??? It sounds so wrong but tastes so right!”

loving bacon

How does Stetten know Trump?

She doesn’t, not really.

“He just started following me so I followed back,” she tells People, adding:

“He would favorite my tweets and occasionally reply. I always thought of the Trumps as idiots so it was entertaining to see his failed attempts at hitting on me.”

In further Tweets shared by Stetten, she responded to his initial remark by joking, “@DonaldJTrumpJr soaking my body in bacon today,” to which he replied:

“Now you’re just toying w my emotions. Why don’t women come up w bacon perfume? Seems so much better than that channel [sic] crap.”

He later wrote:

“Stop that!!! I am a happily married man,” with a winking smiley face.

Okay, there’s no longer a debate: Trump was flirting with her.

weird tweet

Trump Jr. has not publicly responded to Stetten’s tweets.

He does have other things to worry about, of course.

As previously mentioned, his wife and the mother of five children just filed for divorce.

And he’s also under investigation for possibly colluding with Russian agents in order to help swing the Presidential election to his father.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Steph Curry Has a Foot Fetish, Wife Ayesha Says

Steph Curry loves the thrill of victory … but he’s also a fan of da feet. Turns out, the Golden State Warriors superstar has a thing for footsies, according to his wife Ayesha Curry. “My husband really loves my feet,” Ayesha admitted Friday on…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tyga: How Has His Fetish Influenced Kylie Jenner?

Some new information about Tyga and his … fetishes … has come to light.

As it turns out, Tyga might have influenced parts of Kylie"s style in ways that we never imagined.

But hey, this is Tyga, who started dating Kylie when she was a minor — so at least this fetish thing in the video below won"t be the creepiest thing that we know about him.

Kylie jenner and tyga smile

For the longest time, Kylie Jenner and Tyga seemed inseparable, as if the world had been cursed to endure their "love" story.

They"d break up, giving us a cruel moment of hope for the future, before crushing that hopes ruthlessly beneath their feet as they"d reunite.

Finally, Kylie kicked Tyga to the curb for good, and the world breathed a collective sign of relief.

The issue with Tyga wasn"t just that he was a no-name rapper who seemed to be using Kylie to further his career.

It wasn"t just that Tyga was wildly irresponsible with money and would buy Kylie lavish gifts that he couldn"t afford.

Hell, it wasn"t even that Tyga was old enough to rent a car but didn"t even have the courtesy to wait until Kylie was barely legal before he swooped in and started dating her.

It was all of those things, and more, that made Kyga one of our least favorite couples.

Even now that they"ve broken up, we"re still pretty grossed out by Tyga.

And if you feel the same way … don"t expect that to go away any time soon.

Kyga on vacation

Why are we talking about Kylie and Tyga in August of 2017, you ask?

A true hero over at Refinery29 watched this video (below) and drew the link between Tyga"s fetish and Kylie"s personal style.

And it"s kind of blowing our minds.

The video is from a series that speaks to singers and rappers about the meaning behind their lyrics, and they had Tyga on.

The song was "Move To L.A."

Like all Tyga songs, no one"s actually listened to it, but the lyrics of that (which are literally just about how girls should move to L.A.) truly don"t matter.

What matters is what Tyga confesses about himself.

Because the dude has a foot fetish.

"You can have a girl that’s a 10 in the face and body, and feet are a 6 or 7, and it can just kill the whole thing. I can talk to a girl who is, like an 8, but her feet are a 10, but it makes me think she"s the baddest ever."

That sounds like the foot fetish parody of Trump"s: "A person who"s flat-chested is very hard to be a 10, okay?"

But it"s kind of a stunning revelation.

(He"s super enthusiastic when he talks about feet, too; he lights up with excitement, as you"ll see in the video)

Tyga even says that the second thing that he looks at — after a girl"s lips and smile — is her toes.

The second thing.

Tyga smiling

But gee, you wonder, what does this have to do with Kylie?

Refinery29 looked into that, too, because they"re way braver than we are.

They googled: "Kylie Jenner feet."

The very thought of their results makes us shudder — we"ve always been horrified when Google"s autocomplete suggests "feet" after an actress" name, though that"s happened way less since suggested searches became more personalized.

What they learned, however, is that Kylie has toes on the longer side, which is apparently a good thing in the world of foot-appreciation.

They also said that those we"ll refer to as The Foot People had noted something that we"d never really thought about:

Kylie Jenner, even to this day, wears a lot of elaborately strapped sandals and even some entirely transparent footwear.

When most of us wear sandals, it"s because it"s hot outside or because shoes are agonizing foot-coffins and store shoe sizes seem to cater to hobbits.

(Okay, maybe I"m projecting there — shoe shopping hasn"t been easy since I was 12)

But for Kylie, that and her clear shoes might be about showing off her feet.

At first, maybe it was for Tyga"s benefit.

Now, it might just be out of habit.

If you think that Kylie never felt influenced by Tyga"s thoughts about her feet, well, there"s evidence.

There"s this Snapchat video of Tyga using a lint-roller on Kylie"s feet and sharing with her his very definite ideas about what colors she should paint her toenails.


Kylie jenners lingerie for lipkits

Now, it"s easy to make fun of weirder fetishes like fixations on feet.

It"s a harmless sexual interest.

We all have parts of the body that catch out interests more or less than others.

(Most just like body parts that are normal erogenous zones and don"t regularly touch the floor)

Foot fetishes may be caused by essentially some crossed wires in the brain, though others think that they may be caused by early childhood experiences.

(That"s an age-old psychological argument)

We should all be able to agree that Tyga can have whatever weird, harmless interests he likes … so long as he keeps his eyes firmly off of the toes of anybody else under the age of 18.

That"s not unreasonable.

Anyway, here"s the video.

Tyga is all kinds of enthusiastic when he says it: 

Tyga how has his fetish influenced kylie jenner

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Nick Jonas Admits to Boner, Spanking Fetish

Too much information, Nick Jonas?

Or… you are way too awesome, Nick Jonas?

The singer, who has been making the media rounds this week, admitted to a couple rather personal tidbits during appearances on NBC and Bravo.

First, on Monday evening, told Jimmy Fallon about an unexpected erection he once got in 2014.

Yes, an unexpected erection. We’ll let the handsome artist take it from here, but we’ll preface his story by saying it started by Jonas sucking on a marijuana lollipop.

“I went to bed feeling fine. Woke up the next day and everything’s in slow motion,” he said, miming the hilarious moment as the crowd laughed.

“I’m like, ‘Oh no, this is happening. This is real,’ because I had to be up for the Young Hollywood Awards, presenting at the Young Hollywood Awards!”

So Jonas went back to bed and tried to sleep it off.

But he woke up and was still hearing voices.

He put on his suit, he went to the ceremony and then…

“I get a NARB,” he told Fallon.

We’re sorry… a what?!?

“A NARB is a non–apparent reason boner,” Jonas explained.

He then cracked Fallon up by showing him a photo from that night. Take note of the location of Nick’s hands in it:

Amazing, right?

The next night, Jonas – who had made it a habit to speak openly about drugs and sex – stopped by Bravo to chat with Andy Cohen.

He was asked whether he’d watch porn with someone in bed and said he’s “not into it.” He was asked if he’s dow with “curries” and he grimaced.

But has he ever been into spanking? Could he see himself getting spanked?

“Yeah, absolutely,” the singer replied. “I’ve got a firm ass.”

What about getting tied up?

“Not into it,” Jonas said. “It happened one time, and it didn’t end well. I didn’t know what to do, it was all … it was bad.”

HA! Nick Jonas is our new favorite celebrity.