Showing posts with label Boyfriend's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boyfriend's. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Throws Boyfriend"s Phone in the Sea, Remains Psychotic

For the past several months, Lindsay Lohan has been dating a rich Russian real estate agent named Egor Tarabasov.

Sadly, it seems Egor is unfamiliar with that old Yakov Smirnoff chestnut: “In Soviet Russia, frekcly American actress out-drink you!”

Yes, despite recent, vague claims that Lindsay has totally calmed down and is ready for that Oscar and that 8-figure Marvel gig anytime now, there’s reason to believe that the Linsanity is as potent as ever.

As you may have heard (thanks to her constant reminders on social media) Lindsay turned 30 last week, and her wealthy dude took her on a swanky Greek Islands vacay to celebrate.

That’s where things got real, as they pretty much always do in the life of Lindsay Lohan.

“Everything was fine between them before something on Egor’s phone upset Lindsay,” a witness tells the Daily Mail.

“They then started shouting and screaming at each other.”

Fortunately, they settled things in the calm, rational manner that you would expect from Lindsay Lohan and an intoxicated 22-year-old Russian billionaire.

Just kidding, they totally went off on each other.

“Lindsay threw his phone in the sea, she looked absolutely furious,” says one source.

“The security at the beach club had to pull them apart and Lindsay left in her car while Egor went back to the party.”

Oh, it’s good to hear that she went for a drive after all that.

Sadly, this is not the first time that there have been rumors of violence in Lindsay and Egor’s relationship.

It’s not surprising, however, that Lindsay posted the above photo last night to ensure fans that all is well. She captioned it:

“Falling in love in exhausting …. Especially when you’re the older woman and have already seen it all #love is the most important thing at the end of the day #serenity”

Check in tomorrow for the inevitable news of Lindsay’s breakup, which is sure to be followed by reports that she and Egor have eloped.