Showing posts with label Bracing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bracing. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2017

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: Bracing For an Awkward Thanksgiving?

Well, it’s that time of year again.

On Thursday, millions of Americans will gather to spew mouthfuls of mashed potato at their loved ones as they get all red in the face at the sight of kneeling football players.

Thanksgiving can be especially daunting if you’re half of a new or newly engaged couple, as you may wind up getting raked over the coals by relatives you’re meeting for the first time, or ones who are just now taking you seriously because there’s a ring on your finger.

Are royals exempt from this sort of awkward encounter?

Well, usually yes, since they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.K.

But Harry fell in love with an American, which means many of his future Novembers will be spent in confusion over why a holiday that supposedly celebrates gratitude and togetherness is now synonymous with politically-charged vitriolic debate.

Fortunately, the couple will be spared any discussion of whose family to spend the holiday with, as Harry’s kin is understandably not on board with a holiday that celebrates the act of fleeing England.

Meghan has much to be grateful for this season, as not only will she soon be royalty (She’s not officially engaged to Harry yet, but insiders say it’s only a matter of time.), she also made a major career change recently.

After eight seasons and countless–we’re guessing lawsuits?–Meghan has bid farewell to the show that made her famous-ish.

Yes, Markle has quit Suits, and sources say her emotional last day of filming took place last week.

“Meghan was supposed to wrap by the end of Wednesday but, for whatever reason, she ended up having to work Thursday morning in Toronto,” a source tells E! News.

So now she’s through with work obligations and free to focus on her royal future.

Many fans are wondering if Harry will be joining Meghan and her family for his first stateside Thanksgiving.

Not surprisingly, the answer is … no one really knows.

Insiders say Harry is planning to join Meghan in LA, but that hasn’t been confirmed by any sort of royal schedule.

Whatever the case, Markle will reportedly be making yet another major change in her life immediately following the holiday.

“It’ll then be time for Meghan to move to London and into Harry’s place,” the insider says of Meh’s Black Friday agenda.

We’re hoping Harry will be joining the Markle clan and trying to make sense of American football on Thursday, but if he opts out, that may be for the best.

According to an Australian historian, the holiday has special meaning to Meghan, as one of her ancestors was a founder of the Massachusetts community of Nantucket.

That fellow–who we assume starred on the colonial version of Suits entitled Waistcoats–had a great-great-great-grandfather who was beheaded by Harry’s most notorious royal forebear, Henry VIII.

Could make for some awkward dinner table convo.

And you were worried about your MAGA-hat wearing uncle butting heads with your Bernie Bro cousin who’s back from his first semester at art school.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Jessa Duggar: Bracing For an Early Delivery?!

According to one of her most recent social media updates, Jessa Duggar was 34 weeks pregnant two weeks ago.

We’re no mathematicians, but by our calculations, that makes her about 36 weeks pregnant now.

The average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks beginning from the day of the woman’s last pregnancy, though the date of conception is usually about two weeks later.

All of this is a very long, unnecessarily scientific way of saying Jessa’s due date is fast approaching.

In all likelihood, it’s still several weeks away, but there are some fans who believe Jessa may be just about ready to pop, despite what she says on social media.

This theory seems to be based on little aside from the fact that Jessa concealed her second pregnancy from the media for most of her first trimester.

We’re not sure why that would lead fans to believe that she actually got pregnant even earlier and kept it a secret even longer, but hey – our motto at THG is we report the nonsensical rumors, and you decide if they’re total BS.

Okay, we guess there is one other thing adding to the speculation, which is the fact that Jessa hasn’t posted anything on Instagram in four days.

We know what you’re thinking:

Who the hell cares?

And we believe you’re absolutely right to think that, but there are others who believe that Jessa’s absence from the ‘Gram is evidence that she’s already given birth to a little brother or sister for Spurgeon.

We imagine its name is Pubert, or something similarly horrendous.

The Jessa pregnacy truthers point out that Jessa usually posts on social media about once a day.

They reason that her lack of selfies this week must mean that she’s already surrounded herself with hay and farm animals in a three-walled manger, or however the Duggars prepare to give birth.

Obviously, this is a bit of a stretch, but it’s worth noting that Jessa and her female family members do tend to be pretty secretive about their pregnancies.

We guess you don’t have much choice when 100% percent of your income comes from a reality show that’s centered entirely around weddings and births, and you’re not not allowed to get divorced.
