Showing posts with label Cock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cock. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2017

Miley Cyrus: Hip Hop is NOT All About "Cock" Sucking and "Dick" Sitting!

Miley Cyrus may not smoke weed anymore.

But that doesn’t mean the singer is free from all controversy.

In the latest issue of Billboard, which hits newsstands on May 11, the singer talks about how she’s turned over a new leaf. Literally, that is.

“I used to [resist changing],” she tells the magazine, citing her penchant for marijuana and adding:

“But I haven’t smoked weed in three weeks, which is the longest I’ve ever [gone without it].

“I’m not doing drugs, I’m not drinking, I’m completely clean right now! That was just something that I wanted to do.”

These comments garnered the bulk of attention Miley received for her Billboard cover story, but some fans dug a little deeper and took note of another area in which Cyrus said she had made a change.

When asked if folk singer Melanie Safka (with whom Cyrus performed in 2015) influenced her in any way, Cyrus replied as follows:

She did, and I grew up with her. I also love that new Kendrick [Lamar] song [‘Humble’]: ‘Show me somethin’ natural like ass with some stretch marks."”

Miley went on to explain why she’s into this particular track:

“I love that because it’s not, ‘Come sit on my d-ck, suck on my c-ck.’ I can’t listen to that anymore. That’s what pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little.

“It was too much, ‘Lamborghini, got my Rolex, got a girl on my c-ck.’ I am so not that.”

Cyrus, of course, is not the first person to make this sort of comment.

Plenty of critics have come down hard on rap and hip hop music for lyrics that treat women as objects… at best.

It’s not exactly an industry known for always respecting anyone without a penis.

But is Miley really the best person to come out and make such a critique? Not according to many on Twitter, who roated Cyrus late last week for these remarks.

In response, the artist jumped on Instagram over the weekend and stopped short of apologizing.

However, she did seem to recognize where the disdain stemmed from and issued a lengthy statement that further expounded on her Billboard quote.

Here it is:

When articles are read it isn’t always considered that for hours I’ve spoken with a journalist about my life , where my heart is, my perspective at that time, and the next step in my career.

Unfortunately only a portion of that interview makes it to print, & A lot of the time publications like to focus on the most sensationalized part of the conversation.

So, to be clear I respect ALL artists who speak their truth and appreciate ALL genres of music (country , pop , alternative …. but in this particular interview I was asked about rap) I have always and will continue to love and celebrate hip hop as I’ve collaborated with some of the very best!

At this point in my life I am expanding personally/musically and gravitating more towards uplifting, conscious rap!

As I get older I understand the effect music has on the world & Seeing where we are today I feel the younger generation needs to hear positive powerful lyrics! I am proud to be an artist with out borders and thankful for the opportunity to explore so many different styles/ sounds!

I hope my words (sung or spoken) always encourage others to LOVE…. Laugh…. Live fully…. to be there for one another… to unify, and to fight for what’s right (human , animal , or environmental ) Sending peace to all!

Look forward to sharing my new tunes with you soon!

Pretty fair and reasonable response to the situation, wouldn’t you say?

It certainly is true that publications sometimes pick and choose which quotes they print, occasionally failing to paint a full picture of their subjects.

We appreciate Miley clarifying her point of view on this topic.

Now we can return to the only question that really matters:

