Showing posts with label Congressman's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congressman's. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Paul Ryan Asks Congressman"s Son to Please Stop Dabbing

Paul Ryan was placed in an awkward situation on Tuesday.

Because Donald Trump Tweeted out some incoherent lie that made life more challenging for the Speaker of the House?

No. (Well, yes, probably, but that"s pretty much a daily occurrence at this point.)

In this instance, however, we’re referring to the swearing-in of Kansas Representative Roger Marshall yesterday and the situation Rya was placed in when Marshall"s son decided to Dab for the camera.

Yes, Dab.

Ryan was clearly unfamiliar with this dance move, looking at the teenager with confusion and eventually asking him stop doing whatever the heck he was doing.

“Do you want to put your hand down?” the newly re-elected Speaker said to the young man. “Are you going to sneeze?”

Yes, that"s it, the boy basically replied.

After the photograph was snapped, the dabber can be heard telling Ryan: “Don’t worry about it.”

Marshall later joked on Twitter that his son was "grounded," while Ryan wrote the following on social media:

"Just finished swearing-in photos. Nearly 300 members. Countless cute kids. Still don"t get what dabbing is, though."

It"s safe to say we didn"t see this controversy coming!


Paul ryan gets confused by dabbing politicians son asks him to c