Showing posts with label Corrine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corrine. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Nick Viall Is Down With Corrine, Lies and All on "The Bachelor" (VIDEO)

Nick Viall seems to have his mind made up about who he likes on “The Bachelor” — and all signs point to Corrine … whether she’s 2-faced or not. On Monday night, Taylor got booted, but not without telling Nick all about Corrine’s lies and…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Nick Viall: Where The F--k Is Corrine Olympios?

Nick Viall is not impressed with the way Corinne Olympios has been acting on The Bachelor.

On next week’s episode of the ABC hit, Nick takes the remaining contestants to meet his family. 

As you all know if you watch The Bachelor online, Corinne has been causing a lot of drama.

She seems to think she’s in with a huge chance of winning, but she clearly does not understand that fighting for camera time is not attractive. 

However, it seems like Nick is just keeping her on the show to cause drama.

Could anyone seriously imagine Corinne winning the competition?

Nick and the contestants sweep up some cow manure.

It’s hardly romantic, but Corinne seems to think she did does need to do it and disappears. 

This definitely ruffles a lot of feathers as Nick questions where the polarizing contestant has gone. 

Turns out, Corinne is not about to let her reputation die down and she has a perfectly good excuse for bailing on the activity.

“I need sushi,” the villain revealed.

Now, that’s got to be one of the most hilarious ways to get out of sweeping up manure, but would anyone really have expected Corinne to join the other contestants?

She’s the women who still has a nanny.

That nanny made her way into the headlines earlier this week when it was revealed that one fan wanted to raise money to “free” her from Corinne’s clutches. 

Corinne was very annoyed about that and made it clear that her nanny was not a slave.

Yeah, we believe you. 

If you keep up to speed with The Bachelor spoilers, you probably know just how far Corinne makes it in the competition. 

The woman just seems to want to cause drama at every opportunity.

Could a villain really make it all the way to the end?

That’s certainly one of the bigger questions as we delve deeper into Season 21 of the veteran reality series. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
