Showing posts with label Cutest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cutest. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Frightened Koala Asks for Hug, Is Cutest Animal EVER

We really don"t want to exaggerate here. And we definitely don"t want to get your hopes too far up.

But the following piece of footage may be the most adorable thing ever shared in the history of the World Wide Web.

It features a baby koala who is not cranky, like some others of his kind, but instead is clearly frightened on her first day as a resident of Symbio Wildlife Park in New South Wales.

Fortunately, she finds a tree to climb up briefly at the outside of this video. And then she finds a human.

Watch now as she also climbs up the human"s leg, simply looking for a hug and some reassurance that everything is gonna be okay.

Does it get any more precious?!?

Frightened koala asks for hug is the cutest animal ever

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Baby and Kitten -- The Cutest Couch Potatoes EVER!!!


This is how nap time should be done.

These two — an adorable baby and equally adorable kitten — don’t look like there going anywhere anytime soon, and when the kitty starts crying the baby is there to lend a comforting paw hand.

Sorry dogs everywhere, this little kitty just stole your man’s best friend title.