Showing posts with label Digging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digging. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Steve-O Says Corey Lewandowski"s Digging His Own Grave Defending "Womp, Womp"

Steve-O’s got a real disdain for Corey Lewandowski but he’s all for giving the guy a platform … cause the guy keeps digging himself into a hole defending his “Womp, womp” comment. We got Steve-O out in Hollywood on Friday and wanted to…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Little People, Big World Fans to Caryn Chandler: Stop Digging Matt"s Gold!

Matt Roloff tried to share a sweet moment on Instagram over the weekend.

But a bunch of very critical followers wouldn’t let him.

The Little People, Big World patriarch shared a new photo on his social media page yesterday, one that depicts him smiling broadly alongside girlfriend Caryn Chandler.

He wrote the following as a caption:

“Caryn and I out for dinner last night with zach, Tori, Jackson and Caryn’s daughter Brittany. Good times — we all got to take turns playing with Jackson. :))).”

How nice, right?

Not only did a few members of this family get together for a meal, but they also had a chance to connect a bit with Chander’s daughter.

How sweet, no?

NO! NOT AT ALL, some Internet users have stated.

You see, Matt and Caryn have always faced some backlash over their relationship, considering the latter worked as the manager of the Roloff family farm prior to getting into bed with the man who owns said farm.

She knows Amy Roloff sort of well, which is why some long-time fans of this TLC series don’t think it’s cool that she got together with Amy’s former husband.

But it’s not even that simple.

We could understand the hesitation on the part of some Little People, Big World viewers to accept this romance for that awkward reason.

However, far too many social media commenters have replied to Roloff’s latest photo by viciously attacking Chandler.

They are accusing her of only dating Matt for his money, while focusing on the fact that she is so much younger than her famous lover.

To wit:

It’s worth noting a few things here.

FIRST, Matt is 56 years old and Amy is 53.

How old is Chandler? We can’t track down that information.

But… 48 maybe? 45 at the youngest?

This isn’t some blonde-haired, large-chested 22-year old cozying up to some sugar daddy.

This is two people around the same age group who have known each other for many years.

But try telling that to this individual:

SECOND, we can’t pretend to know how much Matt Roloff rakes in every year.

Yes, he’s a reality TV star and has been for about a decade.

But that’s about it.

He’s not also earning cash via other opportunities; he doesn’t have some clothing line related to the show or anyone really lining up to pay him to promote their product on social media.

In short, we somehow doubt Roloff is raking it in to the point that Chandler has latched on to him solely to dig for his money because… come on… how much could there really be?

THIRD, this is all a little sexist.

Amy has been dating Chris Marek for about a year now.

She seems extremely happy with him.

Perhaps she appreciates your concern, but she doesn’t need strangers sticking up for her in this cruel ways.

She’s doing just fine, thanks. She moved on a long time ago.

According to a recent rumor, Matt may even be engaged to Chandler.

And we can only imagine the scandal that will erupt in some circles if or when we learn this development has really occurred.

So consider this our plea ahead of time to anyone thinking of giving Roloff any crap: please do not.

He and Amy were married for 26 wonderful years and have four great kids. Everyone involved here seems to get along very well.

Maybe we can just mind our own business for a change and let them continue to do so, okay?


Monday, August 7, 2017

Kylie Jenner Still Digging Travis Scott"s Beats

Kylie Jenner’s man, Travis Scott, put a big smile on her face … and that’s even before they got home. KJ was grinning Sunday night on her way out of Staples Center, where she saw Travis open for Kendrick Lamar on the Damn. tour. That look on…
