Showing posts with label Disasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disasters. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Tony Perkins Doesn"t Think God Creates Natural Disasters to Punish Gay People Anymore

As we all know by now, irony is rain on your wedding day.

It is also 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.

But it’s ALSO this:

In 2015, the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins spoke with a Messianic Jewish pastor named Jonathan Cahn.

The latter had previously implied that that Hurricane Joaquin, which caused endless damage t the Bahamas, was a “sign of God’s wrath” against abortion and the Supreme Court’s ruling that legalized same-sex marriage.

Perkins concurred, saying last year that while “those on the Left like to mock these things,” there’s no doubt about how “God is trying to send us a message.”

He went on to echo Cahn’s sentiments regarding U.S. leaders having “crossed a gigantic line” and “overruled the word of God massively” when they “legalized the killing of the unborn in 1973 and now we have the striking down of marriage.”

These comments were made in October of 2015.

Fast forward less than one year to the devastation in Louisiana at the moment, as extreme flooding has leveled thousands of homes in the state.

Perkins said on Tuesday that he and his family had to escape their house in a canoe over the weekend due to this natural disaster.

“This is a flood of, I would have to say, near-biblical proportions,” Perkins said on his “Washington Watch” radio show, adding:

“This is unlike anything we’ve seen before… It’s a matter of picking up the pieces.”

It’s an awful tragedy, one affecting a region that is still recovering from Hurricane Katrina.

Perkins said he and his family will residence in a trailer for six months while their home is under repair.

He’s fortunate to even have that option, as countless people have nowhere to go right now.

This time around, however, Perkins didn’t tie the recent flooding to divine intervention

He referred to the flooding as tool for inspiration, not revenge, changing his tune around because he was actually affected by this disaster.

He said these floods had been sent as an “incredible, encouraging spiritual exercise to take you to the next level in your walk with an almighty and gracious God who does all things well.”

In a 2014, however, on another “Washington Watch” broadcast, Perkins reacted to Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission unanimously upholding a judge’s finding that a baker unlawfully discriminated against gay customers… by using a Holocaust metaphor.

“I’m beginning to think, are re-education camps next?” he said on air.

“When are they going to start rolling out the boxcars to start hauling off Christians?”

In other words: Perkins likely thinks these floods are a “spiritual exercise to take you to the next level in your walk with an almighty and gracious God who does all things well.”

Unless you’re gay. In which case he still thinks they are an act of revenge.