Showing posts with label Displaying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Displaying. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Simon Cowell"s Pretty Much Displaying Boy Band Moves and Voices (VIDEOS + PHOTOS)

We found video and photos of Simon Cowell’s latest creation, Pretty Much, and it shows they could be headed the same direction as some of Simon’s other super successful groups.  The 5 guys in Pretty Much have been living together in L.A. and…


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Samuel Krost: Public Displaying Some Affection with Selena Gomez!

We’re very sorry, Jelena fans.

But you may wish to stop reading right about now. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…

Despite Selena Gomez recently saying she might get back together with Justin Bieber someday, and despite Bieber saying he loves Selena and she’s awesome… a romantic reconciliation does not appear to be in the cards for these singers.

At least not any time soon.

And that’s largely because Selena may have a new man. (We did warn you, Jelena fans.)

Cameras captured Gomez getting close and very cozy on Monday night with Samuel Krost, a New York University graduate who often hangs around with various celebrities, most notably Gigi Hadid.

Following her gorgeous appearance at Glamour’s 25th annual Women of the Year Awards, Gomez met up with Krost a few friends for dinner at Cipriani’s.

Once model Cully Smoller (who was dining with Gomez and Krost) got up to use the bathroom, Selena and Samuel held hands, with Gomez eventually moving her rear end on to the lap of her likely new boy toy.

It’s true. These Gomez and Krost photos paint a pretty clear picture.

While neither Gomez nor Bieber has hinted that they’d run it back with the other any time in the near future, each has recently gushed over the other in public.

“I’m proud of the woman she is today,” Justin Bieber recently told Billboard. “When you love someone that much, even if something comes between you, it’s a love that never really dies.”

But when it’s another man’s penis coming between you, well… that has to be harder to take.

Pun intended. And gross.