Showing posts with label Doppelgänger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doppelgänger. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Lil Xan Brings "Shameless" Doppelganger Out Onstage

Rapper Lil Xan made the crowd at his L.A. show see double, and prescription drugs had noting to do with it … it was all about his celebrity look-alike, Ethan Cutkosky.  Seriously, the “Shameless” star is a dead ringer for the Cali…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Kendall Jenner Debuts Super-Short Haircut, Becomes Kris Jenner Doppelganger

Kendall Jenner has been in the news quite a bit in recent months, but not for reasons that have anything to do with her modeling career.

First, there was the uproar over Kendall’s ridiculous Pepsi commercial that attempted to use racial unrest and the historic Black Lives Matter movement as gimmicks to sell carbonated sugar water.

Shortly thereafter, Kendall’s relationship with Blake Griffin (and the attendant rumor that she’s been banned from the Staples Center) made tabloid headlines.

And then there was the epic social media roasting that ensued after Kendall was named “Fashion Icon of the Decade” as part of some New York Fashion Week publicity stunt.

Needless to say, it’s been a rough year for the only member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan with a real job.

(We’re sure there are many who would argue that modeling doesn’t really qualify as a real job, but it certainly comes closer than reality TV star or “social media influencer.”)

Kendall has endured a string of PR nightmares that would leave many celebs plummeting toward the D-list.

Usually, Kenny would turn to her mom to get her out of a tight spot like this, but now that she’s grown and rocking Fashion Week on her own, it looks like she’s decided to take the reins of her career by literally becoming Kris Jenner.

Okay, she didn’t literally become Kris, but Kendall’s looking a lot like the world’s most famous momager, thanks to the dramatically shorter pixie cut she’s rocking these days.

Kendall debuted her new look on the NYFW runway last night, where she presumably stopped strutting long enough to accept her Most Important Person in the History of Ever Award.

She posted the above pic on Instagram as a means of sharing the moment with us plebes who weren’t able to attend the Tom Ford show.

Because this is 2017, the internet has much to say about KJ’s new ‘do.

Remarkably, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

We say that’s remarkable not because it’s an unattractive look, but because Twitter has reveled in dogpiling Kendall lately.

But the knives have apparently been put away for this one.

Naturally, many are reading way too much into the look, speculating that it may mark the beginning of a new era for Kendall.

We don’t know about all that.

We think she just looked in the mirror, asked herself what Kris Jenner would do, grabbed the scissors and started chopping.

Then she called 75 publicists because that’s Kris’ answer to everything.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Suri Cruise: Look! I"m My Mother"s Doppelgänger!

Suri Cruise hung out with a few loved ones over the weekend.

No, the group did not include her famous father.

Amidst ongoing questions of when the heck Tom Cruise last saw his daughter, the 10-year old got some quality time in with two of her nephews on Sunday.

And Katie Holmes was on hand to document the experience.

“Love these sweethearts who inspire me with all of their accomplishments and beautiful hearts and for bringing so much light to all of our lives!” the actress captioned a sweet photo of the trio on a road overlooking Los Angeles.

As you can see in the image below, Suri is growing up fast…

… and looks exactly like her gorgeous mother! It’s almost eerie.

After many years spent shielding Suri from the spotlight, Holmes has been far more open of late with pictures of her only child, along with updates on Suri’s life.

Back in September, the former Dawson’s Creek star (yes, we know she’s appeared in a whole lot since then. But she’ll always be Joey to us.) shared a precious picture of herself and Suri.

It was the first glimpse of mother and daughter together in a very long time.

“Motherhood is the greatest gift.  When I became a mother, my life completely changed,” Holmes said in a 2014, one of the rare occasions in which she even talked about Suri.

The star deserves all the credit in the world for raising her child away from the pressures of fame and Hollywood.

An endless amount of controversy swirled around Holmes ever since she started dating Tom Cruise in 2005.

Then, the couple got married.

Then, they welcomed Suri.

Then, they got divorced.

Questions remained over whether the two were ever in love and whether or not Suri would be raised a Scientologist.

It would have been easy to see the child going down the sort of dark and dangerous path that often befalls children of celebrities.

But Holmes has done an amazing job with her.

According to People Magazine, Suri has also been a constant visitor on the set of The Kennedys – After Camelot, where her mom plays Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and directed the third episode of the TV miniseries.

“Katie actually made her a chair that said ‘Director,’ ” Jon Cassar, who directed the show, told the publication of Holmes’ efforts to make a special space for Suri on set.

How did Cassar contribute?

“I taught her how to skip rocks,” he says.
