Showing posts with label Douchecanoe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douchecanoe. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Chloe Bennet: Dating Famed Douchecanoe Logan Paul for Some Reason ...

Chloe Bennet is the star of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and an incredibly talented, stunningly beautiful actress. She’s also a good person.

Logan Paul is a consummate YouTube star in the worst ways. Some were fortunate enough to have never heard of him before his video mocking Japanese suicide victims went viral at the beginning of the year.

For a while, they’ve been rumored to have been dating. And it is with heavy hearts that we confirm that this is true.

On Wednesday, one concerned fan’s question was able to confirm a mildly disturbing rumor.

“Hey @chloebennet,” a fan asked on Twitter. “I’m seeing rumors you are dating l*gan p*ul? just wondering why you would do that”

Note that this was the fan’s censorship of Logan Paul’s name, not ours (though that censorship can be a smart move on social media).

Celebrities don’t always respond to questions about dating rumors, even when they’re true. But Chloe did reply.

“‘Cause he’s kind, creative, funny, vibrantly curious about life, weird as f–k in all the best ways, a big dork, and he’s one of my best friends,” Chloe replied.

“It doesn’t make sense to a lot of people,” Chloe admitted in the same tweet. “But it doesn’t have to. He’s changed my life for the better and I’ve done the same for him.”

Some may be wondering why someone would censor Logan’s name in a tweet or why people would ask why any self-respecting person, particularly a woman of Asian descent, would date him.

The Twitter user who asked the question in the first place explained in a pair of follow-up tweets.

“I should have included the context within which I was inquiring: considering his past anti-Asian racisms,” the tweet reads. “I ‘censored’ his name so that I wouldn’t have to deal with his stans (so its non-searchable) eating my ass bc I don’t actually like them.”

That same Twitter user also responded to the answer that she received, writing:

“I appreciate that @chloebennet took the time to respond with her side of the story,” she tweeted. “I don’t like him any more than I did before, but this is her life and her choice — that’s the end of it.”

That is a very healthy point of view.

In case the revelation on Twitter wasn’t enough, 

TMZ‘s cameras caught Chloe and Logan out and about in Beverly Hills, where they confirmed their relationship with a high five.

After what has apparently been some time of secrecy, they’re finally dating out in the open.

This might be alarming for a lot of Chloe’s fans, but … even though she’s a public figure, how much of this is their business?

Is Logan Paul a human garbage fire? Yes. 

Over a month after the widespread controversy over his video in Japan’s infamous “suicide forest,” he filmed himself tasering a dead animal for some reason.

His behavior was so bad that YouTube once again suspended his ads. 

Remember, folks, YouTube is a site whose algorithms often lead impressionable teens to Nazi recruitment videos. If you’re not meeting their content standards, you’re either really bad … or showed some forbidden nipples.

But that does not mean that Chloe Bennet does not get to make her own decisions.

We’re inclined to say that the Twitter user who asked her has the right idea when they write “this is her life and her choice — that is the end of it.”

Besides, who among us hasn’t dated or hooked up with a hottie with a terrible personality and struggled to justify our decision to friends?

You don’t have to like Logan Paul to support Chloe’s right to follow her own path.

And Chloe absolutely should not be held accountable for her boyfriend’s bad behavior.

Also, despite my frustration, this reminds me that I really should catch up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 
