We miss Chrismukkah.
We wish we could be set adrift again on Dawson"s Creek.
We miss Chuck Bass.
Some might say that the following teen dramas ran their course on the small screen.
But we say we could use another dose of these memorable characters and their fascinating lives. Which series do you miss most from the ones listed below?
1. The OC
Every time we schmear a bagel, we miss Sandy offering advice to real son Seth and adopted son Ryan, along with the unique bond formed between these teenagers from opposite sides of the track. We do not miss Marissa, however.
2. One Tree Hill
There was angst. There was drama. There was romance. There was basketball. And there were MANY good looking people.
3. Beverly Hills 90210
The first teen drama to really tackle issues such as sex, homophobia and whether or not Donna Martin should have graduated after getting drunk at the prom.
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Thanks to Sarah Michelle Gellar’s acting and Joss Whedon’s writing, this show transcended the cheesy movie on which it was based.
5. My So-Called Life
Oh, Jordan Catalano. Will we ever get over you? This series introduced us to Claire Danes and Jared Leto.
6. Friday Night Lights
We may cry just writing these sentences. No series better captured life as a high school student in a small town and no relationship was more tender and simply more real than that of Coach and Mrs. Coach.