Showing posts with label Ensley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ensley. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Jenelle Evans" Daughter Ensley: Growing Up SO Fast!

Jenelle Evans’ household might be full to bursting with children this summer, but little baby Ensley Jolie Eason will catch your eye.

And melt your heart.

The thing about babies is that they grow up so fast. You can look at a series of photos (like this one) and see her growing already.

Some Teen Moms get their happily ever after, but it’s too soon to tell with Jenelle Evans.

(Also, Too Soon to Tell With Jenelle would be a good name for a show — one day she could host a series where she points out red flags in relationships based on her previous bad experience)

But, in all seriousness, Jenelle has had a flurry of past troubles, from custody issues to family feuds to serious substance-abuse issues.

Plus, of course, she became a mom as a teenager.

Imagine having that kind of responsibility before you’re even allowed to vote.

Not that Jenelle is the first name that we think of when we think of responsible parents.

Her love for partying has been well-documented, which would be fine … if she weren’t a mother of three.

But look at how precious Ensley looks in her mom’s arms!

We’re not saying that having this particular baby will just magically “fix” Jenelle’s life.

But sometimes things just click for people.

They reach a point in their lives, or find the right person, and they get better.

We’re not necessarily saying that David Eason is the right (or wrong) person for Jenelle.

But we’d love to think that having three kids (really kind of four, at the moment) and preparing for her wedding are either signs or causes or both that she’s really stepping up to the plate.

The fact that she has Jace for the summer makes it sound like maybe some people trust her more than they used to.

(Remember that her mother’s had custody of Jace for ages, so this is a big deal)

It’d be nice to live in a world where Jenelle is just a young mother and not doing things that get her accused of putting herself before her kids.

But she’s clearly so enamored with Ensley.

And since that’s Kaiser Griffith’s toy dragon that Ensley’s playing with, it looks like he’s enjoying being a big brother.

Look at how big she looks! It seems like it was just yesterday that she was, like, half that size and in no condition to play with anything.

Now she’s in a jumper — a confusing word for British folks, but that’s life — and engaging with the world around her.

Like, babies reach a point where they start to develop and express personalities and really interact with their surroundings.

And it looks like this little cutie has reached that developmental plateau.

It wasn’t that long ago that the only way to make Ensley look like more than a cute human object was with Snapchat filters.


Honestly, adoring this baby is the most relatable thing that Jenelle’s done since her days of obsessing over Kesha.

Like, she’s a 25-year-old reality star and serial monogamist who might have a sex obsession who’s struggled throughout her young life with moderation.

(Along with everything else that a girl could possibly struggle with, it seems)

But caring for children, scary as it can be, can kind of keep people grounded.

Maybe, for Jenelle, the third time’s the charm?

Let’s hope so.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Baby Ensley Makes Adorable Snapchat Appearance!

It’s been kind of a weird week, hasn’t it, friends?

One might even argue that it’s been a weird year, maybe even a weird century. Times are tough, you know.

So in these trying times, why not kick back, relax, and let Jenelle Evans warm your heart?

Now, you might find yourself instinctively opposed to that idea. After all, Jenelle Evans usually doesn’t bring to mind good things.

But, lest you forget. Jenelle has a brand new baby at home. And brand new babies are nothing if not good things.

Yes, it’s barely been a week since Jenelle gave birth to her third child and her first daughter, little Ensley Jolie.

In that time, Jenelle’s brought the baby home from the hospital, and she’s been working on establishing a new routine for her little family.

She’s also been blowing up Snapchat.

Look at that darling little picture! The little bitty baby rocking that flower crown filter!

Sure, we never thought we’d live to see the day when a newborn could try out Snapchat filters, but that’s OK.

Instead of focusing on the weirdness, let’s just focus on the cuteness.

Because Ensley’s next snap is really, really cute.

The deer filter, can you even stand it?!

Jenelle was sweet enough to save these photos and slap them up on Instagram, just in case some of her fans don’t follow her on all of her social media accounts.

And surprisingly, the response was overwhelming positive.

The photo received hundreds of comments like “gorgeous!” and “so cute!”, which honestly isn’t all that common for Teen Mom’s hottest mess.

But you know the Jenelle haters couldn’t stay away entirely.

“Probably would look better without snap chat filters,” one person suggested.

Another commented “3 babies with 3 different dudes … that’s something to be proud of.”

“Why am I not happy for her?” one fan wondered. “I mean God bless this child but I really am praying for your children. Jenelle is hopeless.”

And while that may be true, Jenelle certainly could be hopeless, it’s undeniable that Ensley here is beautiful and so very loved.

So for now, just this once, how about we just focus on that?


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans Welcomes Baby Ensley: See The Photos!

On January 24th, 2017, Jenelle Evans gave birth to her third kid — and her very first daughter! — Ensley Jolie Eason.

And yeah, yeah, a lot of people (including us) always have some trash to talk about Jenelle, but the birth of a baby is a genuinely joyous occasion.

So let"s put aside all the many, many feelings we have about her, let"s try to forget her extremely messy past and all the wrongs she"s done, and let"s just focus on all the positives here.

For one, Jenelle looks really happy, possibly the happiest she"s ever been.

And for two, this is a seriously precious baby …

1. The Happy Family

The happy family

An exhausted Jenelle poses for a quick selfie with her man, David Eason, as baby Ensley breastfeeds. Adorable!

2. David Breastfeeds, Too!

David breastfeeds too

Or, well, he feeds Ensley with a syringe of breast milk so Jenelle can take a picture. Still sweet!

3. Baby Finger!

Baby finger

Really, is there anything cuter in this whole world than a baby’s little bitty hand? Or a baby’s little feet? Or a baby’s …. Babies are just the cutest, we’ll leave it at that.

4. The Doting Father

The doting father

David, normally a total creep, actually looks sweet with this new little baby. Who would have thought?!

5. Cuddle Time!

Cuddle time

A photo like this almost makes you forget all those times that Jenelle has been completely horrible, huh?

6. That Strong Bond

That strong bond

After just a day of being alive, Ensley has already found her bestie!

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