Showing posts with label Gamma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gamma. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2016

Delta Gamma Recruitment Video Portends Impending Apocalypse

We’re very sorry to have to tell you this, but…

… The Apocalypse is near. We’re not sure how else to explain the following video.

It comes to use from the University of Miami’s Delta Gamma chapter, a sorority that goes above and beyond when it comes to their annual recruitment video.

But this one truly goes above. And then it goes way beyond.

The young women actually hired Artec Media to help them produce the footage, which includes the sister throwing it down on multiple boats and in multiple bodies of water.

Study sessions? Dining hall food? Boring professors?

Please. You apparently don’t need concern yourself with any of these college irritations if you join Delta Gamma.

Just consider the following GIFs, taken from the above video:

These girls definitely deserve to be mocked, but they really aren’t the most nauseating example of sorority sisters doing dumb stuff that we’ve seen of late.

Remember those students who went to a baseball game and simply snapped selfies the entire time?

Or the Alabama sorority whose recruitment video featured only white people and which got rightfully roasted for its narrow view of the world?

Sort of makes a bunch of bikini-clad women having tons of fun in the sun not seem to bad by comparison, huh?