Showing posts with label Grosses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grosses. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jana Duggar: "Creepy" Valentine"s Day Gift Grosses Fans Out

In recent months, a slew of Jana Duggar courtship rumors piqued the interest of fans who have spent years awaiting news that she eldest Duggar daughter has found Mr. Right.

Unfortunately, it seems all that optimism was unfounded, as the Duggars recently confirmed that Jana is still single with a gesture that some fans are describing as “creepy” and “weird.”

On Monday, the family posted the above photo of Jana with a massive floral arrangement.

Fans were initially excited, believing that the roses were a Valentine’s Day gift from a suitor.

However, a caption written by Jana’s parents, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, revealed that that wasn’t quite the case.

“Jana received SO MANY beautiful valentine flowers from her brothers on Valentine’s day!” the caption read.

Yes, it seems Jana’s brothers sent her flowers, a gesture that some fans found heart-warming and others founs super gross.

Some fans were simply disappointed that Jana hasn’t actually found the man of her dreams:

“Dang….thought she had a special guy in her life for a second,” commented one.

“I thought she had someone,” wrote another.

Others felt that Jana’s brothers overstepped their bounds by sending a 

“That’s a little creepy,” wrote one follower.

“Sweet but a little weird to get flowers from your brothers!!!” remarked another.

“She helped to raise most of those boys. Wouldn’t you give flowers to your mother figure? How is it creepy?” wrote one Duggar defender.

Another fan blamed Jana’s parents and their strict courtship rules for the fact that that 27-year-old is still single.

“How is she waiting for mister right when she is not allowed to go anywhere, the guy has to be approved by Jim Bob. Mister right isn’t going to just come knocking on the door or drop out of the sky,” reads one comment.

Believe it or not, the Duggars love Valentine’s Day, and the tradition of single family members exchanging gifts is a long-standing one.

This year, however, fans had hoped that the Counting On clan would mark the occasion by revealing that Jana had finally entered a relationship.

Reports that Jana is dating Caleb Williams have been all over social media in recent months.

While Jana never came out and confirmed the rumors, she also never expressly denied them, which was enough to give some fans hope.

Unfortunately, it now looks as though the “Cinderella Duggar” is still very much a single woman.

Hey, at least she gets a nice floral arrangement in exchange for all the work she does around the compound.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s New Perfume Line Grosses $10 Million In One Day

Kim Kardashian made $ 10 million in just ONE DAY of selling perfume … and incredibly not even a single customer got a whiff yet.  Kim’s fragrance hit the online world Wednesday morning. Customers got to choose between 3 fragrances –…
