Showing posts with label Guede. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guede. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2016

Rudy Guede: Amanda Knox is a Murderer! This is a Racist Conspiracy!

Rudy Guede, the Ivory Coast born, Italian man in prison for the murder Amanda Knox was once convicted of, swears he’s innocent.

And that Knox is guilty as s–t, obviously.

Rudy, Manda

After a series of trials and a global media circus, the American-born Knox’s conviction in the death of Meredith Kercher was thrown out.

Guede was subsequently jailed, tried and sentenced to 16 years in prison for the brutal murder and sexual assault of Kercher in 2007.

Now, he’s broken his silence, proclaiming his innocence and pointing a finger, once more, at Knox and then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito.

After authorities found fingerprints belonging Guede at the scene of the stabbing, the 29-year-old was arrested and convicted of murder.

It was at that point that Knox and Sollecito were exonerated after years in custody, but Guede says he’s a scapegoat and victim here.

He was set up by Knox and Sollecito, he insists, believing he was hand-picked as the “killer” of Kercher due to the color of his skin.

“Found black man, found culprit – let’s go,” he recalls a man saying as Guede desperately tried to stop Kercher’s bleeding that night.

Guede also provides more never-before-heard details of the events leading up to the 21-year-old’s death … but is he telling the truth?

Follow the link above for more information on his story and see what you think. Tell us in the comments: Is Amanda Knox innocent?