Showing posts with label Gust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gust. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

Prince Harry Is a Hero, Saves Woman Knocked Over By Gust of Wind

Prepare yourselves, ladies, for Prince Harry has behaved most gallantly today.

The royal traveled up to Bath, England to attend the UK team trials for the 2nd annual Invictus Games.

According to People Magazine, RAF medic Anna Pollock – who suffered a spontaneous spinal bleed left her partially paraplegic – was competing in the cycling event and had a chat with Harry.

“I saw him and thought I’ve got to take the opportunity to ask for a picture,” she told reporters

“I was just putting my gloves back on and sat back in my chair when the wind took me over.”

Harry and few others rushed over to help Pollock back into her chair.

“Harry said to me ‘What did you do that for?!’

“I said, ‘To show you how not to do that!"” Pollock joked.

“He was so lovely to help me and he gives so much. He makes all the lads and the lasses feel important,” she added.

Harry ran into an old comrade, Nathan Cumbeland, with whom he trained for his 2009 tour of Afghanistan.

“It’s always good to see the ginger muppet,” Cumberland joked.

“He doesn’t have to come here but he does and that’s great. It gives everyone a boost,” Cumberland told reporters.

“He’s one of the lads – he’s been there and done it.”

Harry is very involved with helping wounded vets, and last year started the Invictus Games, which brings together injured servicemen and women in a Paralympic-style competition.

This year’s event will take place in Orlando, FL from May 8th-12th.