Showing posts with label Hartono. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hartono. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Jonathan Hartono: I"m NOT Courting Jana Duggar!

Whether you’re excited that she’s still on the market or sad that she’s still toiling away and single, rumors of Jana Duggar courting are false.

Just ask Jonathan Hartono, the man linked to “Cinderella” Duggar by various media sources this month, who came out and said as much.

Seemingly credible reports surfaced in recent weeks tying the eldest Duggar daughter, 27, to this longtime friend of the famous Arkansans.

Alas, like previous rumors linking the saintly beauty to Lawson Bates (or more ridiculously, Tim Tebow), it looks like they were just that:


The Duggar Family Blog, which is run by two friends of the TLC family, addressed the Hartono speculation and promptly shot it down:

“A rumor that Jana Duggar is in a courtship with Jonathan Hartono, a foreign exchange student from Indonesia who has been close friends with the Duggars since he and his sister Jennifer met Jana and John-David [Duggar] on a mission trip seven years ago, has been circulating in the tabloids.”

“Many of our readers have been asking if the rumor is true, so we wanted to inform you that it is not.”

“Jonathan has confirmed that he is still single and not in a relationship.”

Well. That settles that rather abruptly, no?

Insiders claimed that Jana and Jonathan, a Florida based student, were an item in early May, calling the couple “so sweet and fun.”

“Jonathan and his sister often stayed with the Duggars during breaks from school in the summer and over holidays,” said a Radar source.

“He was always over the house,” the insider added.

“They Duggars watched over him like family.”

We’ll give the tabloids this: Jonathan Hartono is a real person with a real connection to the Duggars, as his Instagram account proves.

He’s attended weddings with the family and even had a “date” with Jana’s father, Jim Bob … it just wasn’t about courting Jana Duggar.

Jonathan addressed that particular event with a photo and caption explaining the nature of his outing with the Duggar patriarch:

Bowling. He and Jim Bob and some others went bowling, and the “1-on-1” that occurred was of the tie-breaking playoff variety.

“Definitely did not have a 1 on 1 date with Mr. Duggar it was a 1 versus 1 tiebreaker bowling game with everybody else watching LOL.”

“And, no, not courting Jana haha God Bless y’all #stillsingle.”

Jana has not personally addressed the relationship rumors, but she did appear single on Sunday in a clip made for their mother Michelle.

“Momma, we’re so grateful for you and just the many years that you’ve invested in our lives,” Jana said, along with her siblings.

“From the late night talks to the early mornings and just getting up and fixing us breakfast. There’s many more things that we appreciate you.”

Fans showered Jana with Mother’s Day love in what appeared to be subtle shade thrown at Michelle, but that’s another story.

In any case, between Hartono, Lawson Bates and Lawson’s older brother Zach Bates, Jana has been linked to some quality individuals.

So why is she still single?!

Jana recently spoke about meeting “The One” during a sit-down with Crown of Beauty magazine, and admitted that it’s been difficult.

“I know how it feels to wait for ‘Prince Charming’ to come along. I’m still waiting. Waiting is not always easy,” Jana told the publication. 

“We need to be busy with where God has us and being content and joyfully serving Jesus there,” she says, as her parents encourage.

“I’ve found that when I’m having a hard or discouraging day, I try to look for ways to bless or serve someone else,” she adds.

“In turn, it usually blesses and encourages me.”

That sounds nice and all, but Duggar Nation is growing restless amid speculation that Jim Bob won’t let her court (among other theories) …


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jana Duggar & Jonathan Hartono: Courtship Confirmed?!

Yesterday, it was reported that Jana Duggar is courting Jonathan Hartono, a Florida college student and longtime family friend.

The news was met with tremendous enthusiasm from Duggar fans, many of whom have been eagerly awaiting news that Jana has finally found Mr. Right.

Thus far, however, there’s been no official word from Jana or her famous family – but that doesn’t mean there’s no new information about this budding romance.

Insiders close to the Duggars tell Radar Online that Jana and Jonathan are the real deal.

They claim that she’s been close with Hartono for several years, remaining in constant contact with him during while works toward his degree out of state.

(No easy feat, considering unmarried Duggar women are not permitted to use social media.)

The sources claim that despite the close bond that they’ve formed over the years, Jana was pleasantly surprised when Hartono asked Jim Bob Duggar for permission to court his eldest daughter.

The newly-minted couple reportedly met through a program that matches foreign college students with Christian families who can host them during school breaks when they’re unable to return home.

(Jonathan’s parents still live in his native Indonesia.)

“Jonathan and his sister often stayed with the Duggars during breaks from school in the summer and over holidays,” a family insider tells Radar.

“He was always over their house. The Duggars watched over him like family.” 

The source adds that Jana and Jonathan instantly hit it off, and other Duggars have reportedly noted how well their bubbly personalities complement one another.

“I think he and Jana are actually a great match because he’s so sweet and fun,” says one insider.

Even so, the sources say they weren’t surprised by rumors of Jana courting Tim Tebow, as she tends to go for rugged, outdoorsy types … which Hartono most definitely is not.

But while Jana may not have immediately thought of Hartono as courtship material, the bond between the two of them seems to have only grown stronger with time.

Hartono has been spending time at the Duggar compound at least since 2014, and these days, sources say he and Jana are thrilled about the prospect of embarking on a new adventure together.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Jana Duggar: Courting Jonathan Hartono?!

It’s the moment that Duggar Nation has long been waiting for.

For years, and we mean years, fans have been pining for Jana Duggar, literally always a bridesmaid and never a bride, to find a husband.

Has Jonathan Hartono applied to fill the coveted position?!

At age 27, the Counting On beauty is the only single Duggar female over 11. That has been a curious fact for some time among fans.

With younger sibs Jill and Jessa married with kids, Jinger Duggar pregnant (or see we hear) and Joy-Anna engaged, it’s even more curious.

This has sparked endless speculation and out-there theories, the most common of which being that father Jim Bob won’t let her court.

Jana selflessly takes care of her younger siblings, you see … and there are a lot of siblings in the compound, so he needs the labor.

We can’t prove this, of course, but given that she’s 27, gorgeous and pretty perfect, if she wanted a courtship, it’s been an awfully long wait.

Well, if you believe this report by Radar, the wait is over.

According to the online celebrity gossip tabloid, Jana Duggar has been romancing a family friend, one by the name of Jonathan Hartono.

Jim Bob is well aware of this too, the website claims.

The Duggar patriarch was seen on camera bowling with Jonathan in a one-on-one “date,” leading fans to assume he’s got the green light.

As Counting On fans know, Jim Bob has a lot of (or all the) sway with his daughters’ suitors, for better or worse, so this is a telling sign.

We caution that the Duggars have yet to announce this, and we have yet to independently confirm it, but the signs point to a courtship. (YES!)

So who is Jonathan Hartono? The eligible bachelor has spent quality time with the family, documenting one such outing on Instagram.

“Missing my 19 siblings so bad,” he wrote in the caption from this 2016 image, featuring quite a few Duggars if you go through and court.

Jana Duggar allegedly goes back a long way with him, having met Jonathan and his sister Jennifer on a 2010 mission trip to Southeast Asia.

Not a lot is known about their relationship – if there is one – at this time. If and when the family does confirm it, expect a LOT of fan interest.

While Jana has been linked to everyone from Lawson Bates to Tim Tebow, she has remained at home as her sisters have paired off.

She revealed that she was waiting for the right man to court an episode of Counting On, and that it just hasn’t worked out:

“There have been different guys. [They] have come along and asked, but they haven’t been … I don’t know, the right one.”

“It can be tempting, like, ‘Oh, I really want to be married,’ because in those moments, your siblings that are married and have little ones.”

“[They’re] going on dates and doing their thing. It’s like this weird in-between stage. I’m not a younger one, but I’m not married with kids.”

We almost don’t want to speak anymore about this, in the event that we could somehow jinx it for her, but that may be about to change. 

At last. At long, long last. Fingers crossed.

The way a mere photo of Jana on Facebook inspires intense love from fans, we can’t imagine the outpouring of support if this pans out.

We would also foresee a boost in ratings if you added a Jana Duggar courtship to this already robust list of Couting On Season 4 storylines:

More to come as the story develops.
