Showing posts with label Homicidal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homicidal. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2016

Scandal Season 5 Episode 17 Recap: A Homicidal Heroine

Note to selves: Do not cross Olivia Pope.


On Scandal Season 5 Episode 17, Olivia was faced with a former foe, as Andrew Nichols returned with a request to help publish a book that would pain him as an American hero.

Yes, the same Andrew Nichols who used to sleep with Mellie and who organized the kidnapping of Olivia on Scandal Season 4.

Moreover, Nicholas had the gall to agree to a tell-all interview (or tell mostly all, he clearly did not plan on mentioning a few items) with none other than Fitz’s new lover, Lillian Forrester.

Following numerous attempts to keep a wheelchair-bound Nicholas quiet (he was suffering from the effect sot that Huck-induced stroke), Olivia went off on her former foe. And we mean it.

She. Went. OFF.

Olivia beat Nichols to death with a metal chair in the White House bunker.

She was later consoled Fitz, though she remained in a zombie-like state when she ended up on her father’s doorstep to close the hour.

Prior to this conclusion, Olivia was peeved that Abby cut a deal with Nichols when it came to only telling Lillian about his affair with Mellie, avoiding the whole assassination attempt thing.

So, with her White House pass also revoked, a blood-spattered Olivia look at Abby at one point and said simple “Never cross me again.”

Who’s the monster now, huh?

Elsewhere, Frankie discovered that Tom is sleeping with Cyrus and Marcus remained angry over being kept in the dark about it.

But whatever.

You need to go watch Scandal online because OLIVIA POPE KILLED SOMEONE.