Showing posts with label Hymen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hymen. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence: I Haven"t Had Sex in So Long My Hymen Grew Back!

Jennifer Lawrence is currently making the media rounds to promote the release of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2, which means she’s offering even more charmingly quirky remarks to the press than usual.

Lawrence’s interview with Vogue has already proven to be a treasure trove of quotable weirdness, and that was before the release of a new excerpt in which J-Law discusses her nonexistent sex life and magical lady parts:

“This is where the maaagic haaaappens.” Jen tells the magazine, while conducting a tour of her house. “Literally zero magic has happened in here…Cheers to my hymen growing back!”

Yes, it’s hard to believe that a woman who can fit dozens of marshmallows in her mouth would ever find herself without a date, but apparently Jen’s gone so long without gettin’ any that the lack of activity is having a Benjamin Button-like effect on her vadge.

Elsewhere in the interview, the 25-year-old actress addresses the topic of those nude Jennifer Lawrence photos that spread across the Internet like wildfire with boobs in August of 2014.

“Have you seen me naked?” she asks her interviewer. 

The guy either didn’t answer or didn’t print his response, but considering there was a brief period last year when you couldn’t open a laptop without a naked J-Law judging you with her eyes, we don’t think she needs to ask anyone else that question.