Showing posts with label Joshua's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joshua's. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Joshua Jackson and Diane Krueger Cheating Scandal: Joshua"s Dad Opens Up!

While Joshua Jackson is putting the pieces together and trying to uncover if the rumors are true—that his longtime girlfriend Diane Kruger has been cheating on him—his father has a few things to say.

Jackson’s dad, John Carter Jackson, opened up to Radar Online about the rumor that Diane Kruger is having an affair with fellow Walking Dead star Norman Reedus.

No one is certain what Joshua thinks, but his dad believes Kruger was just “having a good time” with her costar.

“She was having a good time in the Village restaurant,” Carter Jackson told Radar Online. “[Josh] would probably chuckle.”

Witnesses reported that the 39-year-old actress was all over Reeds at a village dive bar last Friday night. The two got to the bar around 1:30 a.m., and onlookers claim Kruger was straddling Reedus while he sat in a chair.

Those who witnessed the account claimed Diane and Norman’s behavior was less-than-innocent, but Joshua’s dad doesn’t think so.

“Basically I think Diane was been a wonderful influence on Josh so I wouldn’t say anything bad about her,” he said. “Josh is just, in Hollywood this is rare, a really good kid.”

Cater Jackson has known Kruger since 2006, and he believes that she and Joshua have a healthy relationship, which is unusual for celebrities.

“Josh has been raised in a really tough business and I think he’s really a sweet kid and I think Diane is too. So you see I’m not going to say anything about or my attitude towards the particular incident,” he explained to Radar. 

“It’s up to them. Both of them are really neat people though. And believe me, having spent so much time in Hollywood, there’s a lot of people I would not say that about.”