Showing posts with label Krueger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Krueger. Show all posts

Monday, March 20, 2017

Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund Says "Get Out" Not Best Recent Horror Flick (VIDEO)

Robert Englund has a tip for all you horror fans who loved the movie “Get Out” … and it involves a western. We got Mr. Freddy Krueger at LAX and he gave Jordan Peele major props for his blockbuster horror flick, but there’s another…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Man Dressed As Freddy Krueger Shoots 5 in San Antonio

Police say a man dressed as the iconic horror movie villain Freddy Krueger opened fire on a crowd of people at a Halloween party in San Antonio.

The incident reportedly occurred just after 5 am on Sunday night.

An unnamed host of the party says there assailants, both of whom he did not recognize, 

He adds that they became involved in an altercation with a group of his friends, and things quickly escalated.

The two men withdrew weapons and fired on a crowd, wounding at least five.

Fortunately, no one was fatally wounded.

Freddy Krueger Photo

The host says that the early stages of the fight were recorded on the phones of several partiers.

Much of that footage was uploaded to social media, which allowed police to identify that there were two shooters incolved, instead of one, as had previously been reported.

One witness, a woman named Jasmine Hoyos, says there were more than 100 people at the party, and it’s a wonder that more weren’t struck by the spray of bullets.

Hoyos adds that she assisted a man who was shot in the arm as he waited for ambulances to arrive.

Freddy Krueger Image

One injured woman who tried to drive herself to the hospitl crashed her car along the way.

“I kind of applied pressure to the wound to make sure he didn’t bleed out,” Hoyos tells reporters.

“A couple of his friends were there with us. So, we were trying to keep him calm,” 

At this point, no arrests have been made, and the shooters remain at large.

Neighbors say they’re upset by the incident and believe it does not provide an accurate reflection of their neighborhood, or the city of San Antonio:

“I’m kind of sad that this happened in this neighborhood because I like living here,” says Jeremy Collins.

“It’s a really good neighborhood. It is what it is, and we’re just going to keep an eye out and try to keep each other’s back.”

Police are asking for anyone who may have information with regard to the shooters’ identity or whereabouts to assist with the investigation.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Liz Krueger: Fitness Expert Bullied At Wedding For Wearing Sexy Dress

Women can be horrendously cruel, even after high school.

Minnesota fitness guru Liz Krueger shared an Instagram of a dress she wore recently to a friend’s wedding, along with a story that breaks our hearts a little.

The bandage dress showed off Krueger’s incredible body, which didn’t sit well with some guests.

“If only I knew that choosing this dress for a wedding on a 90 degree day meant so many women would be outrightly rude to me, and even come up behind me slap my ass as I’m standing alone. As quote ‘ it was a dare from her friends, bc I was a target."” 

It gets worse.

“And then proceed to spill a full beer down my arm,” she added.  “Just one of maaaaany acts of kindness of the night! 

Yup. That happened. Good thing for thick skin, being able to laugh at things and not take it personally, and good friends/hubby by my side #adultsarebullystoo.

“Regardless, we had one heck of s [sic] fun night and no ‘grown’ women’s comments/glares could bring me down as a wedding guest:)”

The comments from her followers were mostly supportive, with a few “that’s not appropriate wedding attire” digs here and there.

“I’m one of those people that’s pretty strong. I’m someone when I don’t feel comfortable I can usually stick it out but it was to the point where I was like I don’t want to be here anymore,” Krueger told People Magazine.

“Especially after the incident happened, I was just ready to go.”

Kreuger also posted a message to her Facebook page, encouraging others to never let anyone belittle them, no matter what they look like.

“Through my fitness, I’ve always been about empowering women and having them embracing each other and their bodies,” Kreuger wrote.

“When this happened, I felt like I needed to do something more for myself and for other people.”

Do you think Krueger’s dress was inappropriate?  Or do you think she was unfairly bullied?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Joshua Jackson and Diane Krueger Cheating Scandal: Joshua"s Dad Opens Up!

While Joshua Jackson is putting the pieces together and trying to uncover if the rumors are true—that his longtime girlfriend Diane Kruger has been cheating on him—his father has a few things to say.

Jackson’s dad, John Carter Jackson, opened up to Radar Online about the rumor that Diane Kruger is having an affair with fellow Walking Dead star Norman Reedus.

No one is certain what Joshua thinks, but his dad believes Kruger was just “having a good time” with her costar.

“She was having a good time in the Village restaurant,” Carter Jackson told Radar Online. “[Josh] would probably chuckle.”

Witnesses reported that the 39-year-old actress was all over Reeds at a village dive bar last Friday night. The two got to the bar around 1:30 a.m., and onlookers claim Kruger was straddling Reedus while he sat in a chair.

Those who witnessed the account claimed Diane and Norman’s behavior was less-than-innocent, but Joshua’s dad doesn’t think so.

“Basically I think Diane was been a wonderful influence on Josh so I wouldn’t say anything bad about her,” he said. “Josh is just, in Hollywood this is rare, a really good kid.”

Cater Jackson has known Kruger since 2006, and he believes that she and Joshua have a healthy relationship, which is unusual for celebrities.

“Josh has been raised in a really tough business and I think he’s really a sweet kid and I think Diane is too. So you see I’m not going to say anything about or my attitude towards the particular incident,” he explained to Radar. 

“It’s up to them. Both of them are really neat people though. And believe me, having spent so much time in Hollywood, there’s a lot of people I would not say that about.”