Showing posts with label June's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label June's. Show all posts

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Wouldn"t Tap Mama June"s Ass (VIDEO)

Mama June ain’t Kendra Wilkinson’s type … nothing personal, the former Playmate just likes a little more exotic booty. We got Kendra at LAX where she applauded Mama June’s massive 300 lb weight loss, but stopped short of recommending her for a…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Mama June"s Makeover Complete, Mission Accomplished (PHOTOS)

Yes, it’s Mama June. She’s around 300 lbs lighter and a lot of other stuff has changed as well … a boob job, plastic surgeries, the works.  She was strolling a street near her home in Georgia Sunday, and she clearly knew photogs were…


Friday, February 12, 2016

Mama June"s Truth REVEALED: Did She REALLY Cheat With a Child Molester??

Mama June Shannon is finally getting a chance to clear her name.

The reality TV star and mother of Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson was never really regarded as a gold star parent, but when reports surfaced that she was cheating on her boyfriend with Mark McDaniel, a convicted child molester who violated her own daughter, the court of public opinion came down on her hard.

What’s more, she lost her reality show; Here Comes Honey Boo Boo was canceled shortly after the news broke.

Mama June had always denied her involvement with McDaniel, but once the rumors started, it was too late.

Now, in a sneak peek clip obtained by Radar Online, Mama June hears the results of a lie detector test she took for Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars.

Her husband Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson, with whom she appears on the show, asks whether she had ever cheated on him. Her reply: “No.”

And it turns out… She was telling the truth!

When the investigator makes the announcement to a crowded room of people, they all stand up and cheer.

But no one was more ecstatic than Mama June.

“I told you! Stop believing the media!” she cries. “I was being truthful the whole time, thank you!”

Poor Mama June. What a rough couple years she’s had. We gotta say, we’re happy for her, and even happier that this rumor turned out to be false.

Sugar Bear seems content and gives a thumbs up upon hearing the result.

But when the host asks him to come clean to Mama June about his own indiscretions, well, Sugar storms out of the room in a huff.

Jeepers, what more you got, Sug? You already confessed to experimenting with men and cheating on June with a cornucopia of women, so tell us, WHAT MORE YOU GOT?

On second thought, maybe we don’t want to know.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mama June"s New Man: So Long, Sugar Bear!

In news that rocked the world, Mama June Shannon and Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson have broken up.

We’ll give you a moment.

They’re definitely not together now,” a source tells Radar Online. “There was no saving that relationship after everything they had been through.”

The parents of Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson had split after Sugar was caught cheating using online dating sites in 2014.

Shortly afterwards, Mama June rekindled her relationship with Mark McDaniel, who molested her own daughter Anna Shannon.

It’s a shock these two couldn’t work it out.

Despite their troubles, the two agreed to put it all behind them and try to repair their relationship through counseling via reality show Marriage Boot Camp

Pretend counseling for ratings and cash? Hells, yeah! And hey, if we can save the relationship, I guess that’s bonus.

On the show, Sugar admitted to dabbling in gay sexual encounters and additional indiscretions with women, which were previously unknown to Mama June.

Folks have speculated that the same-sex confession was all for show, but if that’s true, I imagine Sugar isn’t fessing up to it. Unless someone offers him more money.

Whatever the case, Mama June seems to have moved on. Sources claim she’s dating a lucky new Georgia man now.