Showing posts with label Lectures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lectures. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Teen Mom: Debra Lectures Simon Saran About Domestic Violence, Simon Keeps His Cool

How this guy was able to keep a straight face is beyond me.

In a recent Teen Mom clip, Debra Danielson requested a one-on-one with Farrah Abraham"s on-again boyfriend, Simon Saran.

You see, Abraham had decided to move to Los Angeles, which bodes well for Saran, since he gets to see both her and her daughter, Sophia more often.

"How do you feel about Farrah moving to Los Angeles here pretty quick?" Debo asked Saran in Abraham"s backyard.

"I feel good. I think it’s going to be good for her," Saran said, not at all prepared for what Debo was about to say.  "She’s going to have a lot more opportunities, and plus, she’ll be closer to me, so that way I can watch over her and help her out with whatever she needs."

Here it comes…

"It’s been like three months I think since we’ve talked," Debo said, "and my biggest concern here is that you’re almost a mirror image of [Farrah’s dad] Michael. Almost uncanny, the personality type. So, there’s things like passive-aggressive behavior.

"There’s things like anger that comes from that. That scares me, OK? That really scares me because that’s all forms of domestic violence.” 

Saran, bless his heart, knew he was dealing with a complete and total nut job, so he calmly responded to Debo"s accusations.

"I’m not a violent person like that, or how you’re kinda making me out to be right now, which is kinda weird because I’ve never ever done anything like that," Saran said.

"I’ve heard stories about you doing certain things," he added, referring to Debo"s 2010 arrest for allegedly abusing her daughter.

On February 16th, Saran posted the arrest (complete with Debo"s mug shot) on Twitter.

"Good talk About Domestic behavior! Hopefully you take your own advice!" Saran wrote. "Good luck! #godbless #maytheforcebewithyou."

Teen mom debra lectures simon sara about domestic violence simon