Showing posts with label Lesley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lesley. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

David Beador and Lesley Cook: Engaged?

David Beador may be in the midst of a messy divorce from Shannon Beador, but he’s also dating again.

He and his girlfriend, Lesley Cook, embarked upon a romantic vacation to Greece.

But the photos that Lesley shared have followers suspicious that the two of them are engaged.

“Somebody pinch me,” Lesley captioned this photo, snapped by David Beador.

The couple was on a plane that was still being boarded at LAX.

A romantic getaway to Greece is a great sign for their relationship, but fans think that there’s more to it.

Notice how Lesley appears to be conspicuously hiding the fingers of one of her hands?

Fans believe that she’s concealing an engagement ring … and that the image may even have been flipped to further obfuscate an engagement.

Once in Greece, Lesley’s pattern of never showing both hands at once continues.

We don’t mean to distract from their romantic adventures, either.

They saw a number of gorgeous sites, including the sacred ruins of the Parthenon.

“Beautiful night with my love!” Lesley gushed on social media. “This view is surreal!”

This image in particular really piqued people’s curiosity.

We hate to take attention away from the beautiful sights, but … look at how David’s hand is covering Lesley’s.

Fans believe that this image may have been reversed.

If so, David’s fingers are doing a mostly adequate job of covering up Lesley’s ring finger … but you can tell that there’s something there.

If they did get engaged, perhaps it was before this vacation.

Lesley may be trying to strike a balance between proudly wearing the ring in person and not revealing it over the internet.

Dating a public figure can present some very unusual challenges.

Lesley Cook Instagram Stories in Greece

The two of them seemed to enjoy their time in Greece (we should hope so!).

They enjoyed a stunning view of the Parthenon at night while on a dinner date at Hotel Grande Bretagne.

A number of their photos were in Athens, but they didn’t spend all of their time in Greece in one place.

It looks like they tried to balance sightseeing with making time for their romance and relationship.

That’s what you want to aim for on a romantic vacation — whether or not it’s also to celebrate an engagement.

So, if these two are engaged, why cover it up?

They’ve been dating for nearly a year, right? So it’s not like they’re rushing things.

Maybe it has to do with David’s ongoing divorce negotiations.

(At the very least, it might be smart to not piss off Shannon while they’re still haggling over money)

Maybe they want to finish telling all of their friends and family before they announce it to the public.

Or maybe Lesley just hopes to avoid getting hate from some of Shannon’s more zealous fans.

To be honest, if they’re not engaged, we’d be at a loss to explain why Lesley’s hands can’t both appear in a recent photo.

If they’re engaged, congratulations are in order, we suppose.

Shannon is moving on, so it’s only fair that David does, too. We hope that the three Beador girls like Lesley.

David was kind of a jerk to Shannon, from cheating and body-shaming during their marriage to getting so aggressive during the divorce.

We hope that he’s found some chill, or Lesley might go through all of those same things that Shannon did.

If David doesn’t want to pay support to Shannon, one day, he may balk at paying it to Lesley.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Lesley Murphy: Bachelor Alum Shares Pics After Post-Mastectomy Boob Job

Lesley Murphy won fans when competing in Season 17 of The Bachelor, vying for Sean Lowe’s heart way back in 2013.

More recently, though, she made headlines for wisely getting a preventative double-mastectomy after finding out that her genetics put her at major risk of getting breast cancer.

And now, after weeks of preparation, she’s gotten implants and she’s sharing her tale with the world.

Her most recent photo shows her with her surgery happily behind her and she’s doing just fine.

In this Fourth of July photo, Lesley jokes that she’s been “stuffing her bra since the ’90s.”

Avoiding cancer before you ever get it is good.

Having a great sense of humor about it is great.

Just look at how cheerful she looks in this photo after receiving her breast implants:

You may recall that Lesley discovered that she has the BRCA 2 gene, which puts her at major risk for breast cancer.

A double-mastectomy is of course the best choice, but the fact that she’s sharing this with the world is so important.

We’ve read of worst-case scenarios when women face this decision after a breast cancer diagnosis.

One woman’s husband told her that he’d rather see her dead than without breasts.

Another woman expected her husband to pick her up from her mastectomy and he never showed.

When she eventually made her way home, she discovered that he had moved out while she was in the hospital.

(The world is awful, sorry)

So when Lesley Murphy shares her story, complete with photos, with the world, she’s working to reduce misunderstandings and to normalize the life-saving procedure for other women.

It’s even better when she walks followers through every step of the way.

That photo is of Lesley after her second post-op following the mastectomy surgery.

Part of preparing to receive implants meant getting pumped with gradually increasing volumes of saline.

She described the temporary expander implants as feeling like “boulders” as they brought her up from a flat chest to a C-cup.

But now she’s past all of that and her implant surgery went well.

“Happy with a 100% chance of swollen. Exchange surgery was a success and a huge difference from the double mastectomy surgery,”

It sounds like her experience was, while not perfect, very much a best-case scenario.

“After 3 hours I woke up and drank some ginger ale, saw my mom, discussed things with my sweet nurse and was wheeled out of my favorite hospital…where I felt like we hit every bump in the road on the way home. Ouuuuch.”

Yeah, that sounds all kinds of agonizing.

You don’t need to have ever had surgery or have boobs to understand that cars aren’t exactly the most comfortable place to be when you’re not feeling your best.

Honestly, if we’d had any kind of major surgery so recently, you wouldn’t catch us posing for photos for the Fourth of July.

You’d be lucky to catch us wearing anything more than a bathrobe.

A C-cup is a lot of progress since Lesley Murphy’s post-mastectomy photo, right?

Keep in mind, though, that if Lesley had wanted to keep her chest at that level, that would have been 100% fine.

Not everyone who gets a mastectomy can afford to get implants afterwards.

Not everyone who gets a mastectomy wants to get implants afterwards, for any of a whole host of reasons.

But by sharing her story like this, Lesley may make it easier for an unknowable number of women to get life-saving procedures in the future.

Boobs are awesome, but nobody should be dying to keep them.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lesley Murphy: Bachelor Alum Shares Topless Photo Days After Mastectomy

We know Lesley Murphy best as a contestant on season 17 of The Bachelor — she fought for Sean Lowe’s heart, and she came in fifth place.

Or at least, that was how we knew her.

These days, she’s doing work that’s a little more important than reality show love.

Last month, Lesley revealed that she carried a gene that put her at high risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer and, as a preventative measure, she’d be getting a double mastectomy.

She explained that her mother battled breast cancer, and so she felt it was best to “take care of it right now” with the surgery.

And so last week, she had both of her breasts removed.

She’s been documenting her recovery on her Instagram page, and it’s really just amazing to see.

The first day after her surgery, she wrote that the whole thing was “hard to wrap my head around,” and after seeing her chest, she described it as “It looks like I was in a bear fight and lost. Badly.”

But, she added, “The human body is truly amazing, though, and I will heal soon enough.”

The second day after her surgery, she was able to go home, but with a little apron that held four tubes attached to her chest to drain fluids.

Poor Lesley wrote that “Walking and breathing still doesn’t come easy,” but she looks pretty tough to us.

And then on Sunday, she shared another update — along with a topless photo of herself, taken just five days after her mastectomy.

“My Sunday best,” she captioned the picture, “or what I could manage to put on today with limited arm movements.”

“My mom washed and dried my hair today. She dresses me in the mornings. She also measures my drains twice daily which are the tubes you see coming out of my lovely red apron I never take off,” she continued.

“She’s the freaking best. She slept in my hospital room and bed at home for the first few nights, helping me in and out of bed and giving me meds at horrid hours to control the pain.”

“I have to sleep on my back in the exact same position every night,” she described. “Sometimes when I make the wrong movements it feels like my chest is detaching from my body, but all in all, I think my upper half is healing nicely!”

“Sure, it’s sunken in and lumpy because what you see are deflated expanders that were put in which will gradually get filled every 2-3 weeks as I get ready for reconstructive surgery.”

“Hopefully by then the permanent marker will be off my body.”

Lesley wrote that she feels “lucky” because “my surgeons only made one vertical incision on the lower half of both breasts will saving skin and nipple.”

“So while all breast tissue is (hopefully) gone,” she concluded, “I retained some of the old me! Happy Sunday. God is good.”

In her latest update, which she wrote yesterday, she wrote that she had two of her four tubes removed, and the other two would be removed next week.

“As always,” she added, “I love you guys. I read every heartfelt comment and truly feel the love of this incredible support system.”

“Together we are creating so much awareness for early detection, screenings, gene mutations and how to work with the options we have. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

And thank you, Lesley!

Because seriously, what an inspiration.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Lesley Murphy, Bachelor Alum, Announces Double Masectomy

Lesley Murphy, a former Bachelor contestant who competed for the heart of Sean Lowe back in the way, took to Instagram on Wednesday to make an important announcement.

It concerned her health and test results she recently received from a doctor.

Because she’s at risk for breast and ovarian cancer, Murphy says she will soon undergo a double mastectomy.

Murphy, who you may remember from season 17 of the ABC reality series, explained her reasoning in a social media video and an accompanying caption.

“A couple of weeks ago I found out I’m BRCA2 positive, which means I’m at a high risk for breast and ovarian cancer one day,” the Arkansas native wrote wrote, adding:

“Buzzzz kill. I know. But it’s true what they say – knowledge is power.”

Murphy, who is making a decision similar to the one made, continued as follows:

“I’m left with a few options and have decided that preventative surgery is what I want over various screenings multiple times a year.

“A double mastectomy at 2freaking9. Wtf?! Yep, it’s happening.”

In the video, the former political consultant – whose mother is a breast cancer survivor – elaborated on her choice to get a mastectomy at such a young age.

“My mom had breast cancer three years ago this month and she is a badass. And I hope to grow up to be like her.

“And this is me trying. So I think the right move is just to take care of it right now and do the double mastectomy.

“I’m 29. It sounds young, but I’m not getting any younger.”

Murphy wants to make it clear that she doesn’t want your pity.

She isn’t even looking for well wishes.

She just wants to send an inspiring message and maybe help other women in the process.

“In no way am I looking for pity through this story,” she wrote.

“I’ve wanted to share the news since the beginning simply to be an advocate for early screenings, detections and girl power.”

Murphy’s surgery is scheduled for April 11.

We wish her the very best and we admire her for making such a brave and difficult decision.

We hope others out there follow her example, get checked and take the necessary precautions based on the results.
