Showing posts with label Marquette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marquette. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2017

Raiders Punter Marquette King Kicks 3-Point Shot From DEEP (VIDEO)

Raiders punter Marquette King should suit up for the Magic while he’s in Orlando for the Pro Bowl … ‘cause the dude’s got range! Check out this video of King punting a football into a basketball hoop from 20 yards out!! Steph Curry with the…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Raiders Punter Marquette King Covers Maroon 5 On Piano (VIDEO)

What can’t this guy do?  Oakland Raiders punter/swag god/dancer Marquette King just posted a video reminding everyone that he’s awesome at pretty much everything he does. Check out the vid …King tickles the ivories to Maroon 5’s new single…


Raiders Punter Marquette King Covers Maroon 5 On Piano (VIDEO)

What can’t this guy do?  Oakland Raiders punter/swag god/dancer Marquette King just posted a video reminding everyone that he’s awesome at pretty much everything he does. Check out the vid …King tickles the ivories to Maroon 5’s new single…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Cheating on Kanye West With Marquette King?!

Kim Kardashian is rumored to be cheating on Kanye West — who was recently on an eight-day psychiatric hold. 

This pretty much sucks, right? 

Hollywood Life reports that Kardashian and Marquette King, punter for the Oakland Raiders, were caught cozying up behind closed doors. 

Recently, talk of a strained marriage have emerged around Kimye, and what triggered Kanye West’s breakdown — a rumored combination of Kim Kardashian’s robbery and over work — is just another straw on the camel’s back. 

Other outlets have picked up the story and reported that Kim’s seeking solace in the arms of the Raiders footballer. 

Though it’d make sense that Kardashian would want a normal life again, erasing the robbery in Paris and pretending that Kanye’s hospitalization never happened, we find it hard to believe that Kim would step out on Kanye like this during his greatest time of need. 

She’s not that “heartless,” you know. 

A source purportedly close to Kardashian also revealed to the publication that Kanye just doesn’t need this kind of drama.

“Having to hear rumors about Kim [Kardashian] cheating is the absolute last thing [he] needs right now.”

“Kim’s been amazing, but their relationship has been under a lot of strain in the past year,” the source continued.

“Having stuff like this thrown in his face is really hard on him. Kanye trusts Kim, but he also can’t help himself from getting a little jealous and insecure sometimes.” 

We can imagine … especially when your wife is, sadly, one of the most desirable women on the planet.  

Other peoples’ words, not ours. 

Not that she’s not cute or whatever. 

Never mind. 

Open mouth, insert … foot. 

The mole continued, “[Kanye] needs to focus on himself and what he can control, not crazy talk about his wife cheating.”

“Kim and his people are trying to keep [him] off the grid as much as possible so he doesn’t get stressed out with stories like this.” 

HL’s source concluded, “Kim’s got two kids, a husband who needs her more than ever, is still dealing with the robbery aftermath, and has a business to tend to.”

“She barely has time to have sex with her own husband, let alone step out on him with Marquette. The only place she’s creeping late at night is to the store to get dessert to avoid the paparazzi.” 

TMZ recently reported that West, after securing a psych team in Los Angeles, went transcontinental and is seeking therapists in New York City, for when he’s on the east coast. 

The website revealed that Kanye is looking to beef up his care team, which is on call and on watch almost “around the clock.” 

Get well, soon, Kanye. 

Honestly, there’s not even a single joke we can make here that wouldn’t be completely terrible or remotely acceptable. 

Just get well, okay? 
