Showing posts with label Marquez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marquez. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2018

"ER" Actress Vanessa Marquez Shot and Killed by Cops

Actress Vanessa Marquez – who played Wendy Goldman on “ER” — was shot and killed by police … and authorities believe Vanessa had mental issues stemming from an eating disorder. Vanessa’s landlord called South Pasadena police Thursday…


Vanessa Marquez, Former ER Star, Shot Dead by Police

Vanessa Marquez, an actress best known for having played nurse Wendy Goldman on 27 episodes of ER, was shot and killed by police on Thursday after a confrontation turned violent.

She was 49 years old.

According to various outlets, police were called to perform a welfare check on Marquez yesterday, responding to a call just before noon about a woman who was suffering from seizures.

Per The South Pasadenan, a newspaper of record in the area, the phone call was placed by Marquez’s landlord.

Police later said at an evening press conference that they had been called to the woman’s residence in the past for help.

In this fatal case, however, Marquez pulled BB-type gun on the officers and then responded by shooting her once in the torso.

She was treated briefly at the scene and then rushed to a local hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

“At the time [of the shooting] there was an LA County mental health clinician here with the officers,” Lt. Joe Mendoza said, adding:

“They began to communicate with her, she became very uncooperative and during that contact she armed herself with a handgun, she pointed it at the officers and an officer-involved shooting occurred.”

with cloones

Marquez actually made headlines last fall when she accused George Clooney of sexual harassment.

She went on to say at the time that the famous actor actually blacklisted her after she made an accusation years ago on the set of ER, saying harassment was rampant in and around the legendary NBC drama.

Clooney even responded to the assertion via a statement that read:

“I had no idea Vanessa was blacklisted.

“I take her at her word. I was not a writer or a producer or a director on that show. I had nothing to do with casting. I was an actor and only an actor. If she was told I was involved in any decision about her career then she was lied to.

“The fact that I couldn’t affect her career is only surpassed by the fact that I wouldn’t.”

Mendoza, in the aforementioned press conference, went on to say that officers tried to help Marquez for about 90 minutes before she grabbed the weapon cited above.

He said the shooting transpired around 2 p.m. and that the woman “was undergoing some medical problems, some seizures; it appeared that the female was gravely disabled.”

Marquez also played the role of Ana Delgado in the film “Stand and Deliver.”

Following the end of her acting career, Vanessa was vocal on social media about her struggles with health issues, including terminal celiac disease, pulmonary embolism and osteoporosis.

She posted her final status update on Facebook on August 8, accusing Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey of hypocrisy for previously kicking her off Twitter for “naming his friend George Clooney at the beginning of the #Metoo movement in October.

“But allowing the incendiary InfoWars host and notorious conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to remain on the platform.”

Marquez was a long-time member of TCM Party, which is a group of cinephiles passionate about classic movies.

tcm tweet

In response to her passing, the official TCM Party Twitter account write:

I am devastated to say that Vanessa Marquez @R2DivaLA was shot and killed by the South Pasadena police on Thursday afternoon.

I met her through #TCMParty, I hope she knew how much we loved her and I hope too that she is at peace

We feel the same way.

May she rest in peace.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

George Clooney: Accused of Sexual Harassment by ER Actress Vanessa Marquez?!

All the Harvey Weinstein news that’s been coming out for the past several days … it sure has been tough to stomach, huh?

Every single day — sometimes it feels like nearly every single hour — we hear new details about all the horrible things he’s done throughout his career.

A new woman comes forward with a new story, filled with new horrors, as if our faith in humanity wasn’t shaky enough these days.

And the stories aren’t even just limited to the crimes of Harvey Weinstein: tons of celebrities are feeling inspired to share stories of sexual harassment they’ve experienced throughout their careers, regardless of who the perpetrator was.

We’ve heard (or been reminded) of some pretty terrible tales about Ben Affleck, and actors like Terry Crews and James Van Der Beek have made it clear that men are victims of sexual assault in Hollywood, too.

But now we’re hearing a new story — one about George Clooney.

And it sure is a doozy.

Let’s think back, around 20 years ago, to a time when George was on a little show called ER.

For the first three seasons of the show, George acted alongside a woman named Vanessa Marquez, who played the role of Nurse Wendy Goldman.

Vanessa didn’t return for the fourth season though, and except for a few small roles here and there, she hasn’t acted since.

And that’s because, as she claims, she was blacklisted from the industry after speaking out about sexual harassment on the set of the show.

The whole thing began when George made a statement about Harvey Weinstein — the two had worked together extensively over the years.

In the statement, he called Harvey’s actions “indefensible,” and claimed that “I’ve never seen any of this behavior — ever.”

Vanessa discussed the matter on Twitter, where she wrote “B.S. Clooney helped blacklist me when I spoke up abt harassment on ER. ‘Women who don’t play the game lose career’ I did.”

She says that she’s been telling this story since it happened over 20 years ago, but since George Clooney is such a beloved actor, no one believes her.

“Clooney is doing pre damage control,” she theorized about his Harvey statements. “He has his own secrets and I know them!”

She called him a “predator” and a “hypocrite,” and said that “He’s not who he pretends to be,” he’s “a monster in his own way.”

As for the harassment she faced on the set of ER, she said that she experienced both sexual assault — she referred to what happened to her as “pussy grabbing” — and that things also got racial, and she heard “Mexican jokes EVERY day.”

“Happened to all the women,” she claimed. “They chose 2 b victims. I fought.”

To be clear, she never says that George was one of the people who harassed her on set, just that he was involved in blacklisting her after she brought the issue to light.

Many people are alarmed at this story, because there’s never really been any horror stories about George Clooney.

And George himself has already taken the time to address this story.

“I had no idea Vanessa was blacklisted,” he said. “I take her at her word. I was not a writer or a producer or a director on that show.”

“I had nothing to do with casting. I was an actor and only an actor. If she was told I was involved in any decision about her carer then she was lied to.”

“The fact that I couldn’t affect her career is only surpassed by the fact that I wouldn’t,” he concluded.

Vanessa, meanwhile, stands by her story.

What awful story are we going to hear next?
