Showing posts with label Maynard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maynard. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Emily Maynard Weighs In on Ex Arie Luyendyk Jr.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. secured his infamy by dumping The Bachelor winner Becca Kufrin after a few weeks and crawling back to runner-up Lauren Burnham, as The Bachelor Spoilers had revealed.

Some say that Arie just followed his heart. Others, however, call B.S. on the whole situation.

But Arie’s famous ex, Emily Maynard, who once dumped him, is finally speaking out about Arie’s on-air antics.

Emily Maynard Johnson was the winner of The Bachelor‘s 15th season. 

After she and Brad Womack split and went their separate ways just a couple of months later, that wasn’t the end of her time with the Bachelor Nation.

She ended up being the leading lady on Season 8 of The Bachelorette.

And that’s where she met Arie Luyendyk Jr. … though she chose Jef Holm. Still, Arie is her ex.

And now Emily Maynard (now married to Tyler Johnson; and she gave birth to baby #4 last year!) is speaking out about Arie’s controversial ditching of Becca Kufrin to date his runner-up, Lauren Burnham.

Even though Emily Maynard said she wouldn’t watch Arie’s season, claiming that it “wouldn’t be watched in her house,” it looks like she’s kept up with things.

Yes, including the scandal of Arie choosing Becca Kufrin only to ditch her a few weeks later for runner-up Lauren Burnham.

Now, Emily tells People what she thinks about Arie’s finale.

“I felt really bad for everybody involved.”

There’s a difference between feeling bad for most people and feeling bad for everyone.

She says that she didn’t have any clue that it would happen.

“I was shocked like the rest of America, but it was so sad.”

She lists the relevant people for whom she feels this sympathy.

“I felt so bad for Becca, she was totally blindsided.”

Of course — most of America feels the same way. But hey, at least Becca will be The Bachelorette. That’s a decent consolation prize.

“And I feel bad for Lauren for having to feel like she’s second place.”

Absolutely. Lauren Burnham is in a complicated place, but none of this is her fault. And she did suffer a breakup on screen.

“And I feel bad for Arie, because that whole situation is so crazy.”

That’s … very compassionate of Emily.

“I wish he would have handled it differently, but I’m sure he wishes he had handled it differently.”

Does he, though? Is he capable of feeling regret?

It’s worth noting that Emily isn’t just some random ex from reality television.

Arie had previously stated that she was his last great love.

“Before the show, the last time I ever really loved anyone was Emily.”

That’s arguably a huge insult to any woman he’s dated since 2012.

“The breakup was really difficult.”

Clearly, not difficult enough to dissuade him from signing up to star on The Bachelorditching his real-life girlfriend just a couple of days before the announcement.

It’s probably safe to say that most of the Bachelor Nation doesn’t share Emily’s sympathy for Arie.

They saw a man who not only decided to ditch his girlfriend for his ex after just a few weeks, but decided to call ABC and have them film the whole thing.

That struck many fans as a calculated move for ratings … though some struggle to think of how it could possibly help Arie’s brand for him to be despised by such a large viewing audience.

Still, maybe he and Lauren will last and be very happy together.

Only time will tell.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Emily Maynard: I"m NOT Going to Watch Arie Luyendyk Jr on The Bachelor!

Fans of The Bachelor have a lot of questions about this upcoming season. Questions like why was Arie Luyendyk Jr. picked? And is Arie too old to be The Bachelor?

But Arie’s no stranger to the franchise. In fact, he very famously dated Emily Maynard on her season of The Bachelorette.

How does she feel about the guy who was “devastated” by their breakup going on to star on his own season? Is she going to watch?

Remember Emily Maynard?

Back on Season 15 of The Bachelor, she competed for Brad Womack’s heart and even won it.

They eventually broke off their engagement. (Gee, I’m really starting to think that reality television might not be the most reliable vehicle for finding love)

Then, Emily became the leading lady on The Bachelorette, where Arie Luyendyk Jr. was among the fiercest competitors for her hand.

Arie was apparently thunderstruck when Emily broke up with him. He had, after all, made it so far, only to lose to Jef Holm.

(Since then, Jef Holm has referred to his former friend Arie as “disgusting,” citing that as the reason for which they are no longer friends)

If you remember the post-final-rose drama, Arie actually flew to Charlotte where Emily lives, intending to speak to her, because he was that desperate for fame … we mean, heartbroken.

And instead of speaking to her, he delivered his diary to her, which might be one of the most extra things that we’ve ever seen from the Bachelor Nation (which is saying a lot). He allegedly hoped that it would help to erase any doubts she might have had about his character.

She didn’t read it.

But she and Jef Holm went their separate ways after a few months.

Now Arie, Emily Maynard’s ex who was so “devastated” by their breakup that he almost confronted her at her home about it, is The Bachelor.

What does Emily think about that? She spoke to People about her mixed feelings.

“I’ve been rooting for Arie to be the Bachelor since my season ended — he’s a great guy.”


She says that “it’ll be great TV.” True.

Emily also says that it won’t be “TV that is watched in my house.”

“I feel like it would probably not be appropriate,” she explains.

We totally get that.

“But I’ll catch the highlights on [People],” she adds.

if she wants to get ahead of the game, she could follow The Bachelor Spoilers.

Just saying.

Of course, Emily Maynard is now a mother of four. Her youngest is just a couple of months old, so we imagine that she has her hands full.

She’s not the only ex of Arie’s who’s likely to have complicated feelings about all of this.

If you’ll recall, Arie Luyendyk Jr. dumped his girlfriend to become The Bachelor. Like, two days before the big announcement.

That sounds awkward as hell.

We wonder if Sydney Stempfley’s name will come up during this season of The Bachelor.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Emily Maynard Gives Birth to Baby #4!

Welp. She’s done it again, folks.

Emily Maynard gave birth to her fourth child on Sunday, an incredible feat for any woman made even more incredible by the fact that three of these children are under the age of three.

Yes, allow us to repeat that:

Emily Maynard and husband Tyler Johnson have three kids under the age of three.

Sources say they have not slept through the night in approximately three years.

In anticipation of the blessed event over the weekend, Johnson shared a funny video on his Instagram Story, as he accompanied his very pregnant wife to the hospital.

“Baby four, let’s get it,” he said as they strolled into the hospital foyer, adding:

“Can’t wait to meet you. We love you.”

As you’ll see below, the excited daddy-to-be proceeded to post several photos of Maynard at the hospital throughout the day.

There are images of his wife prior to giving birth… then holding her newborn… and eventually the baby meeting her older sister.

Oddly enough, however, Johnson never mentions the newborn’s gender or name in any of these posts.

We’re not judging.

They’re entitled to their privacy.

We’re just acknowledging that various details regarding the baby are being kept quiet for now.

In addition to this latest bundle of joy, Maynard is the mother toa 12-year-old daughter Ricki, from a previous relationship. Maynard.

She and her husband, meanwhile, share two sons: Jennings Tyler, 2; and Gibson Kyle, 1

The former Bachelorette star announced her fourth pregnancy in August.

She posted a cute picture of herself and her oldest son at the time, writing on Instagram:

Way too many tacos at lunch. 

Seriously though, as scared as I am to have 3 under 3, I’m so grateful God picked me to be the mommy to my kids and we can’t wait for number 4 to get here!

This pregnancy has been filled with lots of hot wings, ranch dressing, an emergency appendix surgery at 6 months, and swollen ankles all day every day but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

My little tribe can’t wait to meet their new brother or sister (it’s a surprise!) in the next couple of weeks!

Speaking in the past to Good Morning America, Maynad said the following about life at home with three kids:

“It is crazy at our house all the time. But it’s a lot of fun.”

She now has FOUR kids, one of whom needs help with absolutely everything.

So we really can’t imagine how much crazier things must be.

But we wish her the best!


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Emily Maynard: Pregnant with Baby #4!

Congratulations are once again due for Emily Maynard.

The former Bachelorette star and Bachelor suitors has confirmed she’s pregnant with her fourth child.

It will be her third with husband Tyler Johnson, who shared the news with Instagram followers via a video that featured the following screen grab:

Yup. That sure is a baby bump, isn’t it?!?

Maynard is walking alongside her son, two-year old Jennings, in the above photo. She is also a mother to 12-year old Ricki (from a previous relationship), along with an 11-month old named Gibson.

That’s quite the big family and the young family.

But Maynard has always been open about her and Johnson’s hopes to keep expanding their adorable brood.

“I definitely think we’ll have at least one more. [Tyler] wants two more,” she told People Magazine in December, adding:

“[My daughter Ricki] will be out of the house and the babies will still be young.”

In like six years, yeah. 

But we’re certainly not judging. We’re celebrating this exciting news!

“It is crazy at our house all the time,” Emily previously told Good Morning America. “But it’s a lot of fun.”

It also sound like Maynard has been fortunate when it comes to the temperament of her kids.

“I just think God knew I could not handle a lot so he gave me three super easy babies and three super easy kids,” she told GMA in this same interview.

Maynard first appeared on The Bachelor, winning the heart of Brad Womack on the season finale.

After ending this romance, she anchored Season 8 of The Bachelorette and selected Jef Holm as her fiance.

Just 14 months after Jennings was born, Maynard and Johnson welcomed Gibson into the world.

“We’re going to plan this one a little better. We’ll space it out a little bit better,” she told People about having two kids under the age of two, admitting:

“This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

It appears as if she and her husband could not stick to that plan.

But oh well. They just need to get some sleep in now… before they never sleep again for several months!

We send our best wishes to Maynard and her family.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Emily Maynard: "Bachelorette" Star Expecting Third Child!

Congratulations are in order for Emily Maynard and husband, Tyler Johnson.

The couple, who married in 2014 and welcomed son Jennings Tyler in July, are pregnant with their second child (Maynard has a ten-year-old daughter, Ricki from a previous relationship).

Maynard confirmed the news via her People Celebrity Blog this morning.

“Some might say I’m crazy. Some might call me a glutton for punishment. I’d say I’m a little bit of both,” Maynard wrote. 

“But more than anything, I’m just so excited for this summer to get here. Why you ask? Well … I’m pregnant. Again And before you even say anything, yes, I realize I just had Jennings like, two seconds ago.”

Hey, it happens.  Just ask Jessica Simpson.

“I guess I should’ve read that part in the baby handbook that says you’re super fertile after giving birth, huh?” Maynard continued.

“With all that said, I truly couldn’t be more excited. I said about two weeks after Jennings was born that I couldn’t wait to have another, I just had no clue it would happen so quickly!

“Some of my closest friends have had a really hard time getting pregnant and my heart breaks for them, so I’m just so grateful for this blessing God has given our family.

“Tyler comes from a family of four boys and they couldn’t be closer, so I’m really looking forward to Jennings having a built-in best friend, whether it’s a boy or a girl.

“Ricki is really hoping it’s a girl so she can teach her how to be a tomboy and play soccer!”