Showing posts with label MixALot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MixALot. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2016

Sir Mix-a-Lot Defends Blake Lively, Big Butts Everywhere


More like XOX…  NO! What?!? Huh?!?

That was the reaction many people had after Blake Lively commented on her own body part at the Cannes Film Festival this week.

The gorgeous actress walked the red carpet in France in a striking gold dress, one that showed off her impressive figure.

But she caused quite a stir when she shared pictures of herself in the ensemble on Instagram and wrote as a caption:

“LA face with an Oakland booty.”

For those somehow unaware, this is a line from the classic Sir Mix-a-Lot track “Baby Got Back.”

It’s a reference to her rear end and it was taken as some to be racially insensitive because the implication is that her face is nice and beautiful and white, like people from Los Angeles)… 

… while her butt more closely resembles the type of butt you see on residents in Oakland, a city with large percentage of African-American residents. 

What does Sir Mix-a-Lot think about this unexpected scandal?

The rapper has actually weighed in! With a pretty insightful opinion!

“For her to look at her butt and that little waist and to say, ‘L.A. face with an Oakland booty’ doesn’t that mean that the norm has changed, that the beautiful people have accepted our idea of beautiful?” the artist told Pret-a-Reporter.

“That’s the way I took it.”

Sir Mix-a-Lot then explained further:

“Now let me do this, as far as the critics are concerned: I don’t want to come off like, ‘Oh, he’s an Uncle Tom,’ because I’m not.

“If what Blake Lively meant by that comment was, ‘Oh my goodness, I’ve gained weight, I look horrible,’ if that’s what she meant – and I doubt that she did – then I’m with the critics.

“But no one in the world is gonna tell me that a woman that wears that dress is thinking that she’s fat. No, I’m sorry, it just doesn’t happen.

“It sounds like to me like she was giving the line props.”

He makes a good point, doesn’t he?

Perhaps a wealthy white actress should not compare herself to a random woman from Oakland, one could maybe take that side.

But it’s hard to argue that Lively wasn’t saying her butt is kind of big… yet she likes it that way. Why else would she show it off in this manner?

“I think it’s almost a nod of approval, and that was what I wanted,” Sir Mix-a-Lot concluded.

“I wanted our idea of beautiful to be accepted. I think now not only is it accepted, but it’s expected.”

Case closed, we say!

Now, as for whether Blake Lively is actually 40 years old…