Showing posts with label MommyShamers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MommyShamers. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

Tori Roloff to Mommy-Shamers: Do NOT Try Me!

Tori Roloff does not have time for your misguided disdain, haters.

She has things to do and a baby to raise and she’s not going to sit around and be victimized by your finger-pointing idiocy.

Got that?!?

The Little People, Big World star has been around the Internet block long enough to know how this all works.

She knows that she may have shared a couple harmless and precious photos on her social media page this weekend, but she also knows that various trolls live to bring others down on the World Wide Web.

They revel in it.

This is why Tori made the bold, astute and sort of hilarious move of cutting them off before they could even spit out their vitriol in her Comments section in response to these photos.

Allow us to explain…

“This life we’ve been given is a gift indeed. I love you Zach. You’re the best dada and husband ever,” wrote Roloff as a very sweet caption to the image above.

It depicts her husband and her son happily sitting on top of a tractor.

Along with the hastags “#zandtpartyofthree #babyjroloff #summernights,” Tori then foresaw what some parent-shamers would say about child safety and added:

Before I get ripped apart in the comments please take into consideration my husband and I would never put baby j in harms way. Kthanksenjoy.

HA! We love it.

Tori, of course, is referring to the assumption that a horde of users would make remarks about Tori and Zach placing their son in danger by sitting him on board a tractor.

And she’s speaking from experience:

Because this is exactly what happened when Zach shared a similar photo of his son in April!

Numerous commentators reacted with horror to the image below, prompting a follow-up from Zach as an assurance that the vehicle was not actually turned on when this picture was taken.

Tori can also look to her relatives for example of how cruel and unfair the Internet can be.

Just a few days ago, Audrey Roloff thought she was posting a very sweet and simple photo of her husband and her daughter.

Instead, though, a bunch of morons went on the attack.

Just weeks before this incident, Audrey shared cute images of herself and her child on the beach…

… only, once again, to get dragged for extremely dumb reasons.

So we totally see where Tori was coming from here and we admire her for taking a proactive step to shut the critics up.

Don’t they have anything better to do than shame a complete stranger?


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Kim Kardashian Klaps Back (HARD!) Against Mommy-Shamers

Loyal readers of The Hollywood Gossip will know we don’t say the following very often.

So take note of the time and date and remember where you were when these words were written, okay?

Here we go…

… you tell ‘em, Kim Kardashian!

Indeed, we are actually on the side of this reality star for once in the face of criticism she’s facing for allegedly abandoning her son when he needed her most.

As previously reported, poor little North West spent two nights in the hospital last week after being diagnosed with pneumonia.

This can be a pretty serious health issue for anyone, let alone a two-year old with an immune system that is not yet fully formed.

In writing about this scare, TMZ noted that Kim and Kanye West took turns sitting by North’s bedside, implying the former wasn’t with her child the whole time he was sick.

Moreover, photos of Kim celebrating New Year’s Eve gave some fans the impression that she was partying instead of tending to her son.

This rumor finally made its way back to the mother of two on Wednesday and this is how she responded:

kim clap

“I haven’t heard this BUT lets get this straight,” Kardashian Tweeted, adding forcefully::

“I did not leave my son for one minute during his hospital stay. We were there Wednesday night to Saturday. NYE WAS SUNDAY NIGHT.

“People came over when he was already asleep for the night! Don’t even try me when it comes to my kids.”

Like we said above:

You tell ‘em, Kim Kardashian!

The former sex tape star has given critics plenty to slam her over, from her frequent nude photos to her constant emphasis on weight loss to her general philosophy of trying to profit off absolutely EVERYthing.

But she’s a great mother. Full stop.

Kim has never given us a reason to doubt she adores her children.

Can she be petty when it comes to her feud with Taylor Swift? Absolutely.

But, again, this has nothing to do with her dedication to motherhood.

Heck, Kim and Kanye have embraced being parents to such an extent that they will soon do so again:

Via surrogate, the superstars are about to welcome a third child into their family.

And we have no doubt they will shower this (rumored) little girl with love and affection.

So back off, haters. Find another reason to bash the heck out of Kim Kardashian.

Don’t make assumption about her or her kids and definitely do not judge a situation you know nothing about.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Jessa Duggar Hits Back Against Mommy-Shamers!

Let’s be real, there are a lot of things we can criticize the Duggars for.

Like, so very, very many things.

There’s the whole Josh Duggar scandal — well, the two Josh Duggar scandals, the child molestation and the adultery.

Three scandals if you count the porn addiction!

Then there’s that whole thing where the family likes to have as many children as humanly possible, regardless of their ability to care for them or the mother’s ability to carry them.

There have been plenty of rumors about the Duggars’ religion and the way the religion teaches them to discipline their children — lots of horror stories there.

But while this wild and crazy family definitely deserves some of the hate they receive, it’s important to understand that not every single thing every single Duggar does is worthy of such hate.

Like that photo the family shared of Jessa Duggar’s oldest son, Spurgeon, drinking from two bottles last month?

Yeah, it wasn’t really a huge deal.

Spurgeon was 21 months old at the time — his second birthday is in November! — and sure, most doctors recommend that toddlers transition to sippy cups around their first birthday.

Bottles aren’t great for those cute little baby teeth for a number of reasons, it’s true.

But not every kid is automatically ready to give up the bottle at the same time, and that’s OK.

As a parent, you just do what you have to do, you know? You follow your instincts and do what you feel is right for your child.

And it seems like that’s what Jessa has been doing for her two precious boys.

But, and this goes back to our earlier point, the Duggars just can’t do anything right for some people.

And those people made sure to inform Jessa of her terrible ways in the comment section for that photo.

“Uh, he’s a little old for a bottle,” one person told her, while another advised that it’s “time to take them away, sweetie.”

One particularly outraged person wrote “There’s nothing you can say make think this ok. Lazy parents let their child over Yr have bottle. This just bad.”

Lots of anger for one cute photo, right?

But now, Jessa is finally responding to all that outrage.

And we can’t help but applaud her.

She shared that cute photo of Spurgeon with another bottle (just one this time though), and asked “How’s this for a little ‘SeeThroughSaturday!”

“That’s my boy!” she continued. “Yes, he’s 22 months old. Yes, he drinks water from a sippy cup, and yes, he still prefers to drink much of his milk/kefir from his bottle — especially before nap/bedtime.”

“TBH,” she admitted, “I wish she wouldn’t have weaned himself early, and would’ve bf till 2. There, I said it.”

In conclusion, she told her followers that “If you are experiencing anxiety over this, please share all your wisdom and perfect parenting advice in the comments section below.”

So much sass!

The comments on this post were overwhelmingly positive — lots of “you go girls!” and “screw the haters!”

But some people stuck to their guns.

As one person wrote, “I love how paying attention to pediatrician recommendations and scientific research is equated with being negative.”

So hey, you can’t please everyone, it seems.

But still, when it comes to the Duggars … save your rage.
