Monday, July 9, 2018

Tori Roloff to Mommy-Shamers: Do NOT Try Me!

Tori Roloff does not have time for your misguided disdain, haters.

She has things to do and a baby to raise and she’s not going to sit around and be victimized by your finger-pointing idiocy.

Got that?!?

The Little People, Big World star has been around the Internet block long enough to know how this all works.

She knows that she may have shared a couple harmless and precious photos on her social media page this weekend, but she also knows that various trolls live to bring others down on the World Wide Web.

They revel in it.

This is why Tori made the bold, astute and sort of hilarious move of cutting them off before they could even spit out their vitriol in her Comments section in response to these photos.

Allow us to explain…

“This life we’ve been given is a gift indeed. I love you Zach. You’re the best dada and husband ever,” wrote Roloff as a very sweet caption to the image above.

It depicts her husband and her son happily sitting on top of a tractor.

Along with the hastags “#zandtpartyofthree #babyjroloff #summernights,” Tori then foresaw what some parent-shamers would say about child safety and added:

Before I get ripped apart in the comments please take into consideration my husband and I would never put baby j in harms way. Kthanksenjoy.

HA! We love it.

Tori, of course, is referring to the assumption that a horde of users would make remarks about Tori and Zach placing their son in danger by sitting him on board a tractor.

And she’s speaking from experience:

Because this is exactly what happened when Zach shared a similar photo of his son in April!

Numerous commentators reacted with horror to the image below, prompting a follow-up from Zach as an assurance that the vehicle was not actually turned on when this picture was taken.

Tori can also look to her relatives for example of how cruel and unfair the Internet can be.

Just a few days ago, Audrey Roloff thought she was posting a very sweet and simple photo of her husband and her daughter.

Instead, though, a bunch of morons went on the attack.

Just weeks before this incident, Audrey shared cute images of herself and her child on the beach…

… only, once again, to get dragged for extremely dumb reasons.

So we totally see where Tori was coming from here and we admire her for taking a proactive step to shut the critics up.

Don’t they have anything better to do than shame a complete stranger?
