Showing posts with label Morales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morales. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2016

Liza Morales Praises Lamar Odom, Burns Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian may have played a vital role in saving Lamar Odom’s life, but there’s still not a lot of love lost when it comes to his ex.

The reality star’s ex-wife, and his previous ex, Liza Morales, have been at odds in the past, and it looks like emotions are running high again.

Following Odom’s return to rehab last week, she posted a message on Instagram following the former NBA star’s decision to get help.

The 37-year-old, who shares two kids with Odom (and had a third who died, which we’ll get to shortly), made a statement in the post:

“Instead of directly responding to each of the media outlets that have sent emails and dm’s,” Liza Morales began.

“Let me express how proud we are of Lamar for taking the necessary steps in his life’s journey.”

“This is a private situation that has become public for observation, speculation and judgement.”

“This may be media fodder for some, but Lamar is a father, kin and a friend.”

Morales Tweet

“Anyone that has dealt with (or is still dealing) with the same situation with a loved one or friend knows it’s one day at a time.”

“In the meantime, Destiny, Lamar Jr and I send light and positivity to their dad and hope you can do the same.”

Morales’ supportive message could be interpreted as a dig at Khloe Kardashian, even though she nursed him back to health last year.

Khloe, some fans believe, led Lamar to believe they would get re-married, then dropped a bombshell by re-filing for divorce in May.

Morales, meanwhile, flies under the radar, but has continued to be a part of Odom’s life and include Lamar in more family events.

All while Khloe gets hot and heavy with Tristan Thompson, and flaunts it online. That’s just one interpretation, but it’s not entirely invalid.

Moreover, Kardashian revealed just days ago that her entire famous family updated its wills so that she would be their medical adviser.

“This is kind of dark, but after that, my whole family changed all of their wills so that I could be their medical adviser,” she told Health.

“Because you don’t know how someone reacts until you’re put in that situation,” Khloe said, patting herself on the back a bit perhaps.

Odom, to be fair, was not a good husband to Khloe; Kardashian, to be fair, went above and beyond the call of duty when it came to his care.

Still, Morales’ passive-aggressive dig is likely rooted in animosity over how Khloe handled things publicly over the course of the ordeal.

As for why Lamar is in rehab, Liza is connected to that too.

Earlier this month marked the ten-year anniversary of the death of the couple’s baby son, Jayden, who passed away from SIDS in 2006.

The couple’s daughter Destiny was born in 1998, Lamar Jr. was born in 2002, and Jayden four years after that, but he died within months.

At the time, sources explained that Odom’s decision to get help was “his own decision” and preemeptive “work on his mental and physical health.

Good as that sounds as a PR line, it’s rarely that simple.

Sources close to Odom have suggested that the little one’s death was one of the reasons he started doing hard drugs in the first place.

Those same sources also claim that compounding this issue is the fact that Lamar is having a hard time dealing with the end of his marriage.

To Khloe, which was finalized at long last this fall.

With all of these factors building up and coinciding with the holidays, it’s a shocking amount to place on one man’s shoulders.

Especially one with a long history with addiction.

In any case, we do send best wishes to Lamar, and commend him for deciding to get help, which is never an easy decision to make.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Liza Morales Mourns Death of Son with Lamar Odom

Liza Morales took to Twitter on Tuesday for the most tragic of reasons.


Lamar Odom’s ex-girlfriend wrote a special social media message in honor of Jayden, the son she had with Lamar who would have turned 10 years old yesterday.

“Happy 10th Birthday to our Guardian Angel, our beloved son, Jayden,” Morales penned alongside a graphic of colorful balloons floating in the air.

She added the hashtag “#BirthdayInHeaven” to her post.

Odom and Morales were in a romantic relationship for over a decade.

They currently share two kids, Destiny and Lamar Jr., as Jayden, passed away in 2006 at just six months old as a result of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

It’s just one of many tragedies Odom has endured throughout his life, as noted below:

In October, Morales and the children flew out to Las Vegas to be with Odom after he fell unconscious and was placed in critical condition.

She has feuded with Khloe Kardashian at times over the years, most recently taking shots at Khloe for abandoning her family when thinks got difficult.

There was also talk that Morales and Kardashian clashed a couple months ago over Odom’s life insurance policy.

But all that matters at the moment is the unspeakable pain Morales must be in, having lost a child.

“I had to depend on my spirituality . . . Lamar turned to work,” Morales said in 2012 of how each handled the tragy.

“He had his music he was working on, a clothing company and an artist he was working with – that’s how he dealt. I was alone during that time, but at least I had my family and friends.

“The loss never leaves you, but it does get better. We have pictures of Jayden around the house and the kids and I talk about him all the time.

“We are in a place of peace and acceptance.”

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Khloe Kardashian and Liza Morales: Still Battling Over Lamar Odom?

Khloe Kardashian and Liza Morales, Lamar Odom’s wife and the mother of his kids, respectively, are reportedly engaged in an ongoing feud.

Their issues revolve around his medical care, in part, but it also runs deeper. Sources say the women are locking horns over their place in his life.

Khloe, Lamar and Liza Images

While eyebrows were raised last week when Liza Morales called out Khloe on Twitter, it’s not immediately clear what goes on behind closed doors.

Morales and her two children by Odom, Destiny, 15, and Lamar Jr., 13, spent Thursday at the hospital, while Khloe visited Friday, after they departed.

According to an insider close to the situation:

“Liza and the kids arrived last week, and remained in Los Angeles until Saturday. They spent Thanksgiving Day with Lamar in the hospital.”

“The hospital served a special Thanksgiving dinner. While it obviously wasn’t a home-cooked meal, [they] made the best of a bad situation.”

“Lamar seemed a little down though.”

“The kids were there the entire afternoon. Even though Khloe said she would be having a hospital Thanksgiving, she didn’t visit until the next day.”

“Liza and Khloe didn’t cross paths as the reality star only visited for 45 minutes on Friday,” the source adds, perhaps alluding to Liza’s beef.

Morales and Kardashian’s ongoing feud has intensified since Odom’s overdose in October, and in recent weeks thanks to Khloe’s actions.

First, there was talk that Khloe was keeping Odom’s kids away and restricting access to the ailing NBA star as he recovers in the hospital.

Then, while Kardashian had initially been by Odom’s side, she soon got back together with boyfriend James Harden, confusing observers.

Morales, 36, then ripped people “that turned their backs, and prioritized business relationships” over Odom in a Twitter diatribe last week.

“You see, it’s not about who was there cheering in the stands at basketball games,” she wrote, passive-aggressively. “No, this is real life.”

It is, and it could get uglier fast.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Liza Morales: Pissed at Khloe Kardashian! Taking Passive-Aggressive Shots on Twitter!

Lamar Odom’s baby mama Liza Morales said she is thankful for the support the ailing star has received a Twitter post over Thanksgiving weekend.

While that sounds grateful and innocent, many are interpreting the word choice and tone as a salvo aimed at Lamar’s spouse, Khloe Kardashian.

As Odom continues to recover from his near-fatal drug overdose in October, Morales, 36, says she has reached the “Mt. Everest” of her gratefulness.

Then she proceeds to fire seriously passive-aggressive shots at those, she says, who had abandoned their family when times got tough:

“I can’t forget to thank the people that knew my children since toddler age, that turned their backs, and prioritized business relationships.”

“You see,” Liza says of her former partner, “it’s not about who was there cheering in the stands at basketball games. No, this is real life.”

“What matters,” Morales continues, in what many feel is a jab at Khloe, “is who was with you when you were at your lowest. Thankful.”

Morales and Kardashian have had an extremely rocky relationship, especially since Odom overdosed in a Nevada brothel last month.

While Kardashian had initially been by Odom’s side when he was hospitalized, and called off their divorce, their reconciliation was brief.

If there was even any reconciliation at all. Soon enough, she was back with James Harden, her NBA star beau, to the surprise of many.

“You can’t be with Harden and still be married fam, gotta choose one,” one fan of Morales responded to her post, while another said:

“For better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do them part … I’m with you, she needs to pick one or the other.”

Khloe telling off her critics on social media, which seems to be a regular occurrence these days, only upset Liza further, sources say.

“Liza takes issue with Khloe lashing out at fans on Twitter, shaming Lamar,” an insider told Radar following Kardashian’s latest rant.

When Kardashian was advised not to visit Odom due to the staph infection she’d contracted, Morales actually breathed a sigh of relief.

“Khloe had made the kids’ previous visits uncomfortable because she refused to leave the room,” one source close to Morales said.

With her gone, Morales and her two kids planned a day of quality time with Odom: “There was no other place they would want to be.”

Lamar and Liza are parents to Destiny and Lamar Jr. Their third child, Jayden, tragically passed away from SIDS nearly a decade ago.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Khloe Kardashian, Liza Morales: Fighting Over Lamar Odom"s $10 Million Life Insurance Policy?

It’s been almost three days since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

It was reported yesterday that doctors have declared Odom brain dead, and despite showing occasional signs of life, they continue to believe that he has little chance of emerging from his coma.

Shortly after he was hospitalized, it was revealed that Odom is still married to Khloe Kardashian, despite the fact that they’ve been estranged for over two years.

This means that Khloe may soon be in the position of making difficult medical legal decisions on Lamar’s behalf.

Radar Online reports that Khloe is the beneficiary of Lamar’s $ 10 million life insurance policy. She will also receive a large portion of his estate which at one point was valued at $ 100 million.

(That number is probably significantly diminished now, as Lamar has not received any substantial income in nearly two years.)

“Khloe was to receive a majority of that,” says one insider. “His kids were of course included in the will, but it’s understood they were to only receive a small portion compared to Khloe.”

The terms of Odom’s will put Khloe in a strange predicament, as she’s worth far more than he is, and Odom has two children to support.

The children’s mother, Liza Morales, is reportedly already mounting a legal offensive in order to secure as much of Odom’s estate for herself and her children as she can.

Khloe certainly doesn’t need the money, but she and Morales are not exactly close friends (It’s been widely reported that Odom cheated with Morales while before he and Khloe were separated.), so she may not be too keen on the idea of giving the woman a 9-figure gift.

Many expect that Khloe will give Liza a sizable enough chunk of Lamar’s estate to effectively make her go away. But if Liza wants the whole thing, Khloe might have an ugly legal battle ahead of her.